Wish me luck

Round 2 of brain surgery tomorrow, yeah me!!!

wow GL

gl man

oof. good luck man.


g l


About 6-8 weeks ago stsrted getting headaches/dizzy/trouble concentrating. went to primaary sends me to neuro guy do scans etc… says theres somethingf in my head sends me to neurosurgeon, schedules surgery to biopsy it they remove a chunk and send to patology who says its a lymphonma. (meanwhile i get an ekg and a stress test and end up getting a triple bypass for a clogged artery which i had 0 sympothms) the way they treat lympho is radiation/chemo so they leave whats left in my head and close it up, well they do a more indepth patology of the mass that was removed and figure out it is not lymponoma but a rare metblasty tumor(sp?) of which maybe 1000 people a year get (and mostly children under 2)well of coure the treatment of this is to remove it so tomorrow is the day. One thing i will say is that this mass probally saved my life as i had no sympthoms of a cloggged artery and could have esaily had a heartattack and keeled over. of course this doesnt include the emergency bowel surgery i had to have also all this since 8/15. what a month and a half yeahhhhhh. BUt hey i have confidence in my medical people and they will fix me up and gewt me back to norm.

jeusus christ good luck dude…

Jesus dude. stay up. I got some bad cancer shit goin on in my fam too, I know all about the stress…

let me add i’ve never been sick a day in my life prior to this shit. if you dont feel well go to the friggen doctor. I understand the i’m invinceible feeling but if you cant remember the last time you had a check up ---- its time

Wow man, best of luck to you. I had noticed you made a few comments about your health but you never went into detail. Pretty scary stuff.

:frowning: GL bro

Holy shit. Good luck!

Good luck, where are you getting the surgery done? My dad just had one done at Roswell by Dr. Fenstermaker, chief of neurosurgery, and the team was top notch.

GL man. that is some crazy shit you’ve been going thru.

Medulla Blastona I believe is the name of it. Very rare for adults. Like I told you, that’s what my cousins daughter in Illinois just finished treatment for. She’s now 4 years old.

As for back to normal, you never were. :slight_smile:

Things will be fine bud. Just keep thinking SEMA in 3 weeks :slight_smile:

Getting done at gates w/ Dr. Kevin Gibbons

GL… Cancer is a real PITA.

good luck man :tup:

Good luck! Good thing they found the clogged artery too!