High Speed....???

haha stock :gotme: Who says I drive that fast. I drive like a grandma.

Don’t preach to the choir. Get it done, bring it out, don’t try to race every car on the street, be mature on here and you will gain more respect than going about shit this way. We all do dumb shit, you just learned the harder way.


once i get the sand paper ill take it off i got to get my car running first lol but i really dont like the tiger its gay as fuck sooo ill post picks as soon as its off the car but for now rrrr…

yea true it was my first summer with my license and i got bored a lot and also lots of people tried fuckin with me all over the road wich i dont mind i like to have a little fun now and again.

No its just really really loose like a preg. lady it want to goo all over the road but the allignment is straight and when ever i make a decently fast right hand turn it makes a ooooooooooooooooooo. sound then when i go straight it doesent do it its annoying

Wheel bearing? Maybe rubbing the wheel pant?

try to take the turn faster…:roll2:

Pay for supplies and give me $75 and I’ll paint the whole car flat black for you.

Sounds like you have a bad wheel bearing. The loud noise only when you turn right would show that it’s on the driver side of the car. This could cause some shaking, if it’s ready to let loose.

Thats what I said/am thinking. Jack the car up, grab the wheel at 12 and 6 and shake back and forth, if you have play it’s your wheel bearing. I wouldn’t drive on it TOO long or there is a chance your wheel can fall off, no joke.

Driver side aaaa… i replaced the pass side thinking that was the problem lol

is that car a lambo or a mustang, i really cant tell :gotme: otherwise to solve ur problem…DONT DRIVE 120MPH! Maybe its just me but it really doesnt look like you built it for performance anyway, i say u put the lead weights on (as suggested eariler) and drive it into the lake and start over IMO

im working on it calm down and i dont have money to put it to the bottom of a lake

Best advice yet :tup:

LOL i never said that:gay3:

Don’t do 120 on the street Mr 17 year old. :zong: Especially in that car. By the looks of all the shit on it I’m sure it’s an aerodynamic clusterfuck. You don’t need mods, you need to de-mod it. Further, maintain your car. You don’t need mods to have a stable mustang, you need good wheel bearings. Among other things.

It sounds like you’re headed in the right direction, but slow down. 120 is really fucking fast.

true it is fast i just want to get ready for anything you never know

Yeah you never know when someone’s going to swat the tiger on the ass and your car’s just going to leap up to 120.

Yeah, I really hate it when my car suddenly hits 120 without warning. Talk about inconvenient.

But from the sounds of things, the biggest issue (Besides aerodynamics) is most likely neglected/basic maintenance at this point that will result in the best gains for stability.