Hillary is running for president


She pretty much has 8 years of president experience too

I’m just assuming she is against them… What purpose do you have with guns. GUNS are made to kill, If they weren’t so readily available, imagine the decrease in violent crimes…

Additionally, The US became what it was from slavery, and VAST VAST natural resources, Excellent Shipping channels (great lakes, erie canal, blah blah blah), and an integrated Rail system… We’re just riding that wave.

Lots to do with the US’s decline is Unions too. I agree with them for the fact that they allow the wealth in the company to be spread out through the employees with higher wages. The workers are actually the problem, my mother works at the Ford plant, and the stories she tells me of her people, just being total asses. People Skipping out of work after punching in, the constant, “Well thats not my job”, and stupid shit like, well i hit my quota, I’ll just relax for the day. Its bullshit, there is no company loyalty. they are all out for themselves. Yes there are some good passionate workers, and they are keeping the major industries of the US afloat.

Another problem with the US is education, k-5 (#1 in the world), 5-12, lacking, no set plans after high school, like Germany where they start you early off, i think 8th grade you start becoming more specific. Kids not giving a fuck in school skipping, and other shit… NOT PASSING STANDARDIZED TESTS!! How fucking hard can the tests be… I put forth very little effort and SKATED through high school. Maybe some of the students aren’t as intelligent, little studying can go a long long way…

Back onto Hilary, JEG, how about you get your head out of your ass, and use some real evidence instead of retarded, OMG SHE IS SUCH A BITCH, who cares if she slumps down. Here personal appearance is a perception, and has next to nothing to do with her ability to run this country. I think she is a very confident, and strong woman, a great image for president. She already has seen what her husband has gone through for 8 years, that kind of experience for an incoming president… AMAZING. she’d be the only person with that kind of experience, with intimate insider info (obviously the vice won’t hear some of the juicy shit, unless the pres and him are fucking).

I don’t want to write anymore…