gore had his chance and got fucked, but he did invent the internet. The best chance the dems have is edwards since the south would vote for him.
John mccain ftw
He lost all respect from me when he stepped down back in the 00 election. He had everything going for him and pulled out with no good reason. My guess is bush had something against him and he folded.
I think he will prevail this time
I love these threads because it gives me chance once again to laugh and say…
“It doesn’t matter which puppet you monkeys pull the lever for,
this guy :snky: (CIA) runs this little planet.”
fabolous looks like a weiner
McCain isn’t going anywhere, talk about no charisma…not to mention he’s backing this disaster of a troop surge
Not that I really want her as a President, but do you really want some ignorant muslim leader telling us who are president should be.
You know what if it pisses off the muslim world to have a woman president than so be it.
Hillary in '08!
lol hunnie, it’s got nothing to do with my location. or the fact that i’m a female or any other factor you think.
She’s very smart and she wouldn’t be dangerous to the country. She was probably the most active first lady. She has great potential.
and my vote.
now, im going to make a complete ass of myself and show my ignorance to everything, but here it goes anyway…
im not into politics at all, and heres why: i think this country needs to (well its actually WAY too late for this now) go back to the days in the early 1900s when we jsut stayed out of everyone else’s shit. if someone came to OUR COUNTRY and wanted to start shit, then we’d defend ourselves. end of story. let people in the middle east blow each other up. who gives a shit? when they come over here to our country then we’ll do soemthing. the US seems like they’re always sticking thier noses in other peoples business, and trying to be mr tough guy like they got something to proove. and all we ever end up with is people gettin pissed off at us and this whole big political mess. look at canada, when was the last time you saw canada get involved in something they had no business with? or the last time they called someone’s bluff? probably not in a looong time…and they’re still doing ok up there! no HUGE problems up there. and i know there are a lot of reasons why things are the way there are, and we’re too far in to really change, and it will prbably always be this way because thats just how it is, and i know that i have absoltely NO IDEA what im talking about and honestly, i dont really care because things will probably never change for the better.
so go ahead and fmae me for my ignorance and lack of reality and knowledge.
Prediction: Hillary will NEVER be president of the USA! :shoot:
every butch, dyke, and feminist just squirted a little happy juice hearing that news. :suckoff:
God help us if Billary wins.
Great, a country-wide Western New York area…
PS- hell yes I’ll vote for Rudy
If Rudy runs, I will vote for him as I think he is just what this country needs to turn itself around. McCain lost my respect when he started sucking off the Reverend Jerry Falwell. I would not be opposed to Edwards or Obama but I will not vote for Hilary, it’s a waste of a nomination if she gets in because the American people are not ready for a woman president. I think she is a bit extreme for the job as well. A black man will be the job first.
I will say this, ANYONE (except Dick Cheney) GOP or Dem will make a better president than the joker we got in there now.
Ted Nugent 4 L lol.
Gore has about as much charisma as a pile of dog shit. You can put it on a pillow, wrap it in a pretty bow, and call it a gift from God himself…but in reality you have a dressed up piece of shit…who claims he invented the internet :bloated:.
Any republican canidate WILL not win, with all the hatred Bush stirred up.
Liberal states such as Cali, Probably NY will go for her… there is a huge huge chunk of electoral votes already.
Its obvious she won’t win the south… but when does a democratic pres, ever really win the south?
But If she wins this is the best time she’ll ever have to become president. I think with some careful campaigning… She can win
Already beat me to it…
Can people please explain why they hate her so much. No one is giving thier reasons for thier decisions.
Honestly, most of the people are hateing because it seems like te thing to do.
Personally, I have no opinion of her at all, I didn’t like the fact that she was a carpetbagger coming into new york… but she is an intelligent person… and more power too her if she becomes president, I think she would do a good job.
I don’t know who the lead canidates for the republican party.
Because she is a power hunger socialist scum bag? :gotme: She is so power hungry Hitler would look at her and say calm down. She has dont nothing for “upstate” NY like she has promised, she is very disrespectful (ever seen her at a senate hearing when someone is speaking she doesn’t agree with? she slumps down with her head resting on her face like a kid in HS history class). She is just Evil. Or do you not remember that scandal she was caught up in where someone had proof of some shit she did and mysteriously ended up dead :snky:. She does not care about anybody but herself and her quest for power. If she becomes president we are royaly fucked.