Hines 1 Ben 0

The steeler 2007 team was less than 5 million under the NFL Cap.

Exactly what are they going to get for 4.5 million, that they don’t already have? They are spending the cash, just maybe not as wisely as they could be…

  1. Ben Worthlessberger is over paid, thus causing him to think is as good as a Tom Brady. He’s not, may never be. Not that Brady is the best in the league, but he plays well in his system.

  2. They should have kept Plex. He and Ben were a good team. plex’s only problem is he only plays when the play involves him. He did in the burgh, and is still doing it.

  3. We, as all NFL teams, need options. A big tall wide out gives you those options.

  4. if a persons height doesn’t add to their ability to jump and make plays, why isn’t all of the NBA 5 foot guys? Not that a 5 footer cant bee great in the NBA, but it is the exception, not the rule.