hines ward

…so r we gonna sign this fuckin guy or what??? seriously, just do it. :weak: …your thoughts??


its messed up in general. idk what to think. it seems like the steelers surprised him by giving their best offer up front and refusing to negoiate. now it’s kinda a pride thing, if you accept the first offer it seems like you’re undervalued and i bet the players union would be on his ass too. :dunno:

he is holding out all season if he has too… this comes from Nitro, head of training camp and my buddy of 10 years.

:eek4dance no shit i didnt see that coming

boo hooo hoo i want a few more million, what ever happened to playin for the love of the game, oh yea its called capitalism

did you guys see TO get boo’d at Eagles camp, it was awesome

r u name-dropping steeler training camp guys to gain street-cred? :embarassd

jk. ya, both sides r being stubborn and its stupid. i thought the steeler offer was good, probably good enough. but they way they have gone about it was disappointing to me. but at the same time, i guess hines is partially wrong too. the bottom line is that the steelers need to get this done and the ‘policy’ of not negotiating w/ hold-outs is one of those old-school things that they need to just get over and get w/ the times.

its the fact that he’s one of the few players that plays for the love of the game and he wants security and comittment by a team who he loves to play for. its gay how they are dicking him around so much

they have been getting his services for mad cheap…last yr told him they would payup this year…he said OK…so they need to cowboy up & give him what he’s worth.

He wasn’t making shit compared to other recievers with his numbers.

~80 catches last yr, 4 consecutive pro bowls…payup.

they are jackasses…they won’t be boo’n when he’s catchin TD’s this year

i think the money the steelers offered is more than enough and he should fuck off if he thinks he can get more.

he’s under contract for this year, right? i say he should show the fuck up for practice, or the steelers should take all offers off the table.

but from what i heard they told him last year they would renew before training camp…so they are not following through

they offered him the best money a steeler has ever seen PLUS $9mil up front…

correct. he was willing to get a deal done way before this season and the management kept puttin it off. how many players these days actually want to get locked up 2 years before their current contract so they can finish out w/ the same team…the steelers should respect that and just quit being so old-schol about shit and pay this guy.

that is a good point, it was a fair offer tho, u cant dispute that

name dropping bull shit… i am giving you news from the horses mouth instead of listening to the press bull shit. fuck i could go up and talk to hines myself if that makes you feel better.

no one can shiester the rooneys, they are the cheapest motherfuckers out there. the steelers aren’t bending on this one…just ask mike meriweather, dude never played another down of football after his hold out. I’m sure the steelers are prepared for heinz to sit out all year. granted plax never lived up to his potential but him on the other side made ward what he was. the fact that plax could be dangerous was enough for heinz to be open a lot. this is exactly how stallworth became so good, he had lynn swann on the other side. don’t get me wrong, heinz is a great player but sometimes all heart doesn’t cut it in the NFL. put up some numbers post-plax and then you get paid. One reciever doesn’t break a great team, if the steelers are the real deal they can win without him.

note this post…

i’m agreeing with cutty.


& what was that…i haven’t heard a figure…i’m talking the per/yr figure?