Hines 1 Ben 0

Yes, he is that popular. Even if he’s not, the schizophrenics known as Steeler nation will all the sudden love him once he is gone and blame someone (Colbert, Rooney, Tomlin, etc…) because he left. If they resign him, it will be for too much money, he doesn’t live up to expectations, he whines too much, etc…

No matter what, the Steelers and Ben can’t win.

And as far as his persona goes, have you ever physically dealt with him in a personal situation?? If you are going off 2nd hand knowledge, or what you “hear” in the media, that is not fair. I have dealt with him directly and have found him very accommodating and no different than any other customer I’ve really dealt with. Obviously he was very wary and reserved at first, but once he realized that both myself and the other person with me 1) Weren’t gigantic Steeler fans 2) Weren’t interested in his autograph, picture, or anything else and 3) Wanted to just treat him like anyone else, he was perfectly normal.

I could imagine him (or any other person really in the public eye) being short with people or perceived as something other than he is because of playing the most glamorous position on one of the most storied franchises in the countries favorite sport. I defy you to try and even think about what you’d be like in that position. I can’t even think of what it has to be like.

And you really have no idea what Marc Bulger is like. He might be a total prick in St. Louis, how would you know? Just because he is a Central grad doesn’t make him a class act or make it worth it for him to come here and play. That’s like assuming that every guy that dresses well is gay.

I feel so bad for some of these athletes and celebrities who get painted into a corner because if they are soft and forgiving, then people will milk them for every dime (read: Mike Webster) or if they are tough and require that they have some sort of personal life outside of football (or whatever their sport or job is) then they are a dick or are a big shot.