hire me dammit!~!~!

after 3 months of chasing this job at M.E. engineering around, i just found out that they hired other people. im a little annoyed.

anyone know of any companies looking to hire a drafter?

yea…i was pissed when I foudn out too…BASTARDS…instead of awesome woody they hire quiet dorks who are no fun makes my day horrible

make boost, don’t bitch.


that fucking blows dude.

i still haven’t found out on mine yet. should know tomarrow :bloated:

did you call after the interview?

Send thank you cards out to the people you interviewed with?

my company just sucks…their reasoning for everythign is ass backwards

:lol: I just turned down a position with M/E Engineering…

Uhm ya you should not count on one position, I have like 5 that I need to choose from in the next two weeks, its sort of annoying.

Do you have an associates in drafting with any experience, and what kind of drafting is your experience in?

sick burn.

woody i am sad for you. good luck with everything.

offtopic: did i leave a couple packs of cigarettes in your car last night?

Do you have a BS in ME? Plenty of jobs down here in DC.

Set the building on fire.

sorry to hear that woody i was really hoping for you on this one too

lol, my favorite movie.

im 2 classes short of my associates in drafting technology at ecc, so that doesnt really help my case. the plan was to get the full time position and finish up the two classes at night next semester. theyre nothing major, just a basic electricity class and a dimensioning class. easy. i also have 0 experience other than school. again, doesnt help much. i do hold down solid grades at school and have the head of the drafting department on my side, trying to find a job for me. its a very frustrating endeavor trying to find a job with no experience.

i found out about the job through my professor at school who said that they were looking to hire an entry level draftsmen and he gave them my name. i had been talking with them for about 3 months about a job there. after 2 months i finally got an interview and i called about once every 4 days to check up on the position, to which every time i got the response ‘were still doing more interviews, we’ll let you know by the end of the week’. so really i knew i didnt get the job after the first time i heard that.

im pretty solid in autoCAD 2007 and autodesk inventor, i just learned pro-engineer this year so im still new at it but its pretty easy. i think if i used it more i would become pretty proficient in it quickly.

really my goal is to find an employer who is willing to pay for education so i can pursue a bachelors degree in some sort of engineering while i work as a drafter / designer. im tired of making peanuts and struggling to make ends meet while i go to school full time. i would much rather move my ass out of my parents house and start a life for myself and work towards a higher degree on the side.

god that was a novel of a post.

so again…someone hire me! i can get along with anyone, im not an idiot, and im beautiful. who doesnt want that in the office?

just warn me of the day so i can take it off

woody ill see what i can do. i have alot of contacts in the area, and at alfred state. shrives hooked me up with this job, ill pay it foward.:smiley:

thank you. kisses

try having a bs in finance and a minor in accounting. I busted my ass in school, worked full time and landed a crap job I hated, it took over a year and i start a job i am excited about in 2 weeks. have patients, just finish school and get the education to start with and move on from there. Just keep plucking away with job hunting and an education

I hope I don’t come across as a dick in this post, because I really just want to offer advice. That being said…

You’re really putting the cart before the horse. With no experience and no degree you really don’t have much to offer an employer so getting a job at all is going to be tough. Getting a job where the employer will pay for you to get an engineering bachelors right away will be impossible. (Although I’m pretty sure you didn’t mean right away.) There’s a chance that once you’ve established yourself somewhere and can present the argument that furthering your education will be valuable to the company then this will happen, but that’s not really something to plan on. If you want an engineering bachelors I would recommend you go get it right now when you’re young and nothing is actually holding you back. As for getting a good job and moving out and THEN getting an associates and/or bachelors, well, wrong order.

If nothing else, get those 3 classes done so that you can put a degree on your resume. Any chance of an internship at your level? Some experience, any way you get it, will go a long way.

My $.02.

thanks for the 2 cents.

Good luck regardless. Talent is talent and I hope you find your way to get paid for it. :tup: