just when i thought i had it figured out....

so i’d come to the conclusion that i should get back into the drafting field, and go for some more schooling to get more than just a 2 yr degree. but i’ll be damned if i can find ANYONE who offers a bachelors degree in drafting, is it really that unheard of??

right now i have an associates from ITT, and a year of work experience… but i haven’t worked in the field in a good 4 yrs now, so to an employer i’m “dated” with the technology basically, what are my options? it’d be silly to go to another school for basically the same thing i have now, wouldn’t it? ugh

I’ve never heard of it. It just kind of comes with the territory when you study engineering.

What are your career goals? Do you feel that the piece of paper with a BS on it will take you farther or that you want to extensively learn advanced drafting skills?

i just want somthing that’ll get me a job lol right now the answer i basically get is why would i hire someone who’s been out of it for 4 yrs when i can get a new graduate instead. or maybe i should start looking for some temp jobs just to get experience again?

I dunno, I’m sure there are better career advisors on here than me but I’d vote for taking temp jobs to get back into the game all the while taking a class or two specific to new versions or programs that you’ve missed out on over the last 4 years. Then your resume will read in a year that you’ve been a practicing draftsmen who is proficient with all the latest software.

Finish school. This isn’t 1985 anymore and 2 years wont get you shit. Take the 2 years and go into something larger ie engineering, architecture etc.