Hit and run

Yesterday i was turning into the miracle mile around 7pm when all of a sudden a ford taurus side swiped me. It was my right away. He was going across traffic to make a left up a hill. Anyway i park the car and shut if off. Get out to look at the damage And the fucker takes off. He was in the middle of the road and pulled across the street and stopped and he started to slowly turn around so i figured he was pulling back over where i was. Then i hear tires churp and my buddy catch saying hes running. So we go after him and by this time he has a huge head start and he runs a redlight past the police station in monroeville. I see a cop over there so i pulled over and yelled to him that the guy had just hit me and ran that went through the redlight. After 30 seconds the cop takes off after him and by that time he was gone.So now i have to pay a bs deductable and will be carless for a week or 2. My rim took most of the impact so im hoping he didn’t mess anything up with the rearend. It felt weird driving it but that could of just been paranoia. The back bumper is destroyed and the quarter is alil bent but will be an easy fix. So if anyone knows someone with a red ford taurus with dmg in the front driver side around monroeville and contacts me ill pay you $100 if its him. Its bright red , I have the paint all over my rim lol… Contact me on here i check it twice a day. The guy went towards Turtlecreek or pitcairn. Go figure.

thats shitty mikey… hopefully someone sees them driving around… ill keep an eye out but im mostly out in robinson

that sucks

i’m in monroeville man, i will definitely keep my eyes open. notice anything else about the car?? driver description?

Rubbins Racin’

I’ll bookmark this thread. I’ll work in monroeville. Though if I were that asshole, I’d be hiding my car till it was fixed. But he’s probably a moron. I’ll try to get a plate number if I see him.


that blows


that sucks

that sucks mike…which car were u driving ?

i guess the mustang according to his sig lol

ya i was in the daily driver. There were 2 Guys in the car around 25ish . hard to see because i only got a glimpse of them as they rammed into me. Pretty much the only info about the car would be its bright red, A boat called a ford taurus and it has driver side front dmg/missing paint. He drove through a bank drivethru right after he hit me so im going to talk to the bank and ask them if they can review the tapes and see if they have a license plate number

thats an f’n dangerous intersection… and do you mean national city? i am out a lot around here so i will keep my eyes open like i said

more initiative to get the Talon road legal.

Ouch. Sorry to hear man.

Ya that one. and yes ive already started working on the talon to get it road legal. Just need inspection then im good to go. No cat ftw