Hockey 12-11? Mil-Sher

Well I called them and the rink is only available from 7-9 :frowning: I think those kids who played after us last week, bumped up their time :tdown:

Would people still be down?

start the list, if we get enough, we’ll go for it.

  1. STEALTTH (goalie and one skater pending)
  2. Addicted to RX7’s

where the fuck is Mil sher?

  1. STEALTTH (goalie and one skater pending)
  2. Addicted to RX7’s
  3. PoOSe

mil-sher is right by the corner of military rd and sheridan.

i can’t make it

im sure a lot of people went to the bills game today. so hopefully we’ll hear from some others since the game’s now over


not lookin good so far :frowning:

yea where is everyone?

meah. . . . Bills were a buzz kill so we’ll watch the Sabres.

yea, you should go to milsher anyways