roller hockey

Is anyone here up for renting out a rink for a few hours sometime soon to get a good roller pickup game goin? I know this is like the ice thread but ive never played ice an cant afford all that gear. This is just like a tenative feeler and if enough people are down with the idea we can rent crap sher rink , american indoor or some other place. If anyone knows the rate on some local rinks post it. ID like to do this sometime soon if possible

i believe they are all converted back to ice by now. sliders in depew is year round… but small

there is a group of guys on here that get together every monday…

search hockey, or roller im sure the thread is around…

I check the thread an the pepsi is swapped over so its shi- sher or am indoor or if someone has a better suggestion id like to know. I never heard of sliders where is that an how small is it> like spinners small or smaller?

idk if they rent it out or not but cruisers bar in the falls has a rink behind them… roller all year round… little small though… much better for floor hockey

They switched to Mil-Sher on Monday nights.

whos all in that group and do they need any extra players or is this more a skate an shoot deal

we rent the rink out at milsher and basically got a lot of the guys from this forum to play

yea just show up, its just a pickup game

well i just talked to poose and im definately down, just take it easy on me for a week or so til i get my legs back

i say we start going to skate n shoot on mondays at the epic center. Mil sher sucks.

what gear do you need besides stick,gloves,skates?When do these pick up games go down.I work nights:( mon-thurs

I’m in on that.

I live like two minutes from Milsher, but I can’t stand the floor, boards, puddles, lighting, lockers, owner, the list just keeps going…

I’d rather pay more and drive farther to play on a nicer rink. Not like its that much more if its already a skate and shoot. I’m going Monday.

what time is it at epic on mondays? somthin worth looking into

well guy, it’s from 6-8 according to their website.

ya i also hate the puddles, floor. boards are ok… lighthing also not to bad… lockers suck dont know the owener… but i hate rusty the scummy prick

mil sher would be decent if the fixed to roof to start an then actually cleaned the floor, Epic sounds pretty damn good i know its expensive to rent it but if enough people want to we could easily. Ill stop up monday gear in hand and if there isnt an assload of people ill play.

epic is $10 for skate and shoot. this way we dont have to worry about how many people show up.

I might be able to scrounge a goalie. I haven’t gone in a while so I don’t know what the turnout has been like over there.

dont forget tho that you need to buy their insurance to play at epic if anyone deciding to go, doesn’t have it

EDIT: who’s goin to epic tomorrow? i gotta work but i may switch or something if a lot of you guys go