roller hockey

Whats insurance runnin now 25-30a yr or do they go by session

it’s $30 as of last week. and it would last till this january, then you have to get it again. unfortunately, they dont have it last a fiscal year from the day u get it. :tdown:

thats bull, they should really do one calander year not until jan 1rst. Maybe ill just pay the one day pass and save some cash

they have a one day pass? i didnt know that

most places do they make you 5 for day
and then your good. When we rented that place a while back we each paid that for a day pass. i dont know if they still do it

i’m just gonna do milsher tommorow, maybe if we get this organized better we can do epic

i’m just gonna do milsher tommorow, maybe if we get this organized better we can do epic instead

So you guys play on Monday’s now?

I got screwed at work and didn’t get out until 7. I’ll be there next week.

so whos is goin where this week, im real close to epic but it seems more of you goto mil sher. Im off this week so im definately in location is undecided, seeing as how one ends an one begins at the same time.

as much as i’d rather play at epic, alot of the other people don’t have insurance so thats why milsher kinda wins at this point. its more “accessable”

yeah i love signing more paperwork each an every day, i see your point, just hate stopping on that dusty floor an sliding all over, even with my softest wheels

i know what you mean but its somthing we all put up with lol so its not like you’d be at a disadvantage :stuck_out_tongue:

well on the + side its not the OP rink where a pass off the boards comes back at you, But yeah we all have dealt with it an i can live with it just need to wear all my pads. My only disadvantage is that i havent laced up the skates in about 6 months so id be coming in blister ready. Suggestions on a fast boot re-forming??

yea milsher will be the place for the time being. like adictd2semen said, not everyone would be enthusiastic about buying the insurance.

yeah i can understand that completely, milsher is a nice large rink to so thats even better… btw nice one “adictd2semen”

r u referring to milsher being bigger than epic or OP?? cus it’s definitely not bigger than epic. u must have meant op. and the adictd2semen thing…im not even gonna explain that lol. youll hear more like that from me if u come to milsher lol

ill be there this week , last one i had to work an couldnt call off. i was reffering to OP , epic an mil sher seem about the same size anyways

LOL poose, for someone just reading that who has no idea the story behind it, your gonna scare them away :lol:

altima, all you gotta do is play some nhl 06, and be the capitals, with line changes, you’ll eventually get where the joke comes from…

Put band-aids on your ankles before you put your skates on. Works like a charm.