Hockey Pics From 2/15

not to jack a thread but i wanna go Ice fishing too… my uglystik is to pretty to be sitin around doing nothing…

waiting for ice measurement

hmm, i played with a couple of you guys at a skate and shoot at epic a couple sundays ago, i was the kid with the tinted visor :slight_smile: pics came out nice

Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

if you ever need a goalie for ice let me know, I’m always down.

if you’re talking about roller or floor hockey though, my friend justin seems pretty into it. he just has a team for UB intermural. I played on it last year, it was fun. this year they won their league, but I wasn’t in it cause it’s monday nights and I switched my ice night to mondays

Yea, we need goalies for sun. nights

you win this round beotch
brian-1 vinny-0

And next round on sunday :whip:

we need goalies for tuesdays…haha

Haha, that too