hockey pics from last tuesday


find me skates, bitch.

You guys full tonight?

I am currently having my own issues with skates :frowning:

those faggot yellow laces aren’t helping either

i think i’m on the outside also… i just know they brough waffles last week when they came to watch.




the puck went through his blade and into the net…

I think its full or just about full tonight. mike. call me later.

Damn lol. Well if someone cancels and you guys can use one more and dont mind… let me know, ill defintely come play tonight. Thanks!

They have a bar?

nope. but normally can byob…

Keep me posted, I should have my gear next week and I’ll come out to skate.

I may have to look into getting another slot… too many people here are interested to take over from the regulars.

Im all for more hockey during the week

yeah. you could def use it,

You can definitely count me in Chad :smiley:

chad u ever need a extra guy let me know ill play