Hold the fuck up. Corey seriously goes/went to ITT Tech?

Well this thread sucks now. Fuck off corey

are you seriously that stupid that you didnt get it college boy? lol… The thread i posted in was the “faggot” thread where one person acts retarded and calls another person a faggot lol… He wrote “faggots itt” or some shit so i made a joke taking his meaning for itt, “in this thread” to itt technical institute…


A+ thread, would read again.

aw come on man why you gotta be like that :cry:

That thread can’t be real. Fuckin guy must have a two stroke Honda.

Pretty sure the dude was srs. It idles at 13 but goes to 16 at WOT hahahahaha thread still makes me laugh especially Daniels comments with the air freshener

Jon had me rolling a few times too.

Fuckin kid should not own a modified car lolol

Haha srsly. I told him to install a WOT box and do 40-50 pulls in it hahaha

Oh that was you?! :rofl

Yup. I love trolling on nisky lot.

I got booted from there once, I don’t want to get removed again lol

Sounds dumb as fuck faggot

suck dick cock muncher… what happened with the games by the way, did you pussy out?

Yeah I don’t think there’s that much to be made, and I ain’t got no time.

I don’t like it at all.


I have been booted twice for trolling. Still going strong this round, been a couple months.

and thats why you need college… ill post winning ebay bid in about a week.

I did my research, I doubt you’ll make much more than what you’re asking. Which after all the listings, listing fees, shipping, etc isn’t worth MY time.

ill get half my money back on the world tour 13’s alone lol…stay in school benny, stay in school.

yeah, YOUR money, not the $300 you’re asking

half those games, IF you sell them, you wont get more than $7-8 shipped

the pga tour games are $25 shipped

my buddy works for fill point in malta, dude’s got a literal library of games and knows his shit.

on top of my research I showed him the pic and he said “$300? fuck naw”, no offense intended, you asked me lol.

I doubt highly that you have $300 into that, and if you do you’re dumb