holly aircraft india + foot fetish update

im just overreacting with drama, i check it out yesterday and today with the bandages off, its actually a clean cut and its no big deal, didnt get infected and its nearly healed…

but yea that SUCKEd actually… but the injury isnt that bad… it coulda been worse, then again it coulda not even happened at all wtf was there a brick for…

@wayne :lol

im at the cafe right now using 5kb/s net here , and talkin to turbotrav on aim he was tellin me some funny shit and i fuckin burst out BALL’in laughin mad hard like tears and shit and this place is packed and everyone just stoped talkin and came over to my laptop to see wat was so funny LOL

i dunt get the foot fetish part?

idk im just such a lazy bastard idk where my camera even is, wheni first got here i was SO ON TOP of the hwole picture thing, now im just lame with it, i went a few AWESOME places and never brought a camera, now i cant find it and i am going up north on monday and i might not have pics…

anyways the foot thing was no fetish, that was just to increase thread views since u fuckin guys are sick and get excited to hear i might have a foot fetish

it was only there cuz i went totally offtopic halfway down this thread talking about how i fucked over my foot multiple times

its healed now , even the huge chunk of skin that was cut out is walkable on now

think im going to go puke now.

ps: guys dont have feet, they have hooves. ugh!

oh ok… sorry that was disgusting for you lol… i wont ask about any prior mishaps or experiences

I call BS

you dont get a cut and have it NOT get infected…no matter which part of india your in

LOL no kidding, but you never been to india and regardless of what you heard they have shit to put on cuts now… i actually took care of my foot when i cut it open… cleaned it out and put some cream shit on it, im at a loss for the name right nw, but u know what i mean

if i didnt do that and put fresh bandage every day, then yea i’de have major issues with my foot right now

its now completely healed u can just see the that the whole thing is one or two layers absent of being like the rest of the skin around it