hollyshitman like for 20 mins now i feellike im gonna go fuckin death, these jet fighter thigns flyin hella low at a rate of fast right over my village here and so far i think 5 to 6 passed
u guys got scared in nyc over some jumbo jet, man i got some some fuckin pakistani allahs over my head son !
nah but really wtf LOL i hope my ass isnt gonna get bombed, i mean im on the shitter ATM thats a shitty way to go out man !
AHHH my camera has been dead for ever and my phone is next door imtoolazy to get it
but i’ll take pics but first let me tell you…
this is the second time , no third time tchnicall that i injured my fucking foot here…
first time i cracked or broke my toe idk what i did, i think i just sprained / possibly cracked it a bit, after playing football without shoes … that took like 3 or 4 weeks to stop hurting… and istill cant bend it well
ok and seocnd time i was too busy to show u guys but at the hotel i was drunk, dropped and smashed a glass on the floor… forogt all about it and kept drinking…
ten later that night still drunk, even mores so actually, i fuckin steped ALLOVER the glass with my fucking foot and when i picked up my foot, nearly all the glass on the floor was now on my foot and i had blood foot prints, and it was reallt scary, took an AMAZING AMOUNT of skill to pick out the glass frommyfucking foot esp since me and my buddy were drunk and tryin to find small pieces of glass in my foot was not an easy task
OK so today, just when im feeling great… i fuckin somehow , idk how… or WHY but there happened to a fucking half broken BRICK on the fuckin bedroom floor and i came out the closet (LOL im not even gonna change that ) from failing at finding my new shoes and i fuckin somehow stepped/jumped/fell on this fuckin brick on the edge of it and took a NASTY chunk of skin off the bottom of my foot its just GROSS i dont even care about blood and cuts and shit but this is GROSS
anyways im wrapped up my foot in somebandages and “ointment” shit looks nasty… and im walking ike an old man once again
im too lazy to make another useless topic… so i am collaborating this new sotry, adding pics later, to this topic
Funny part is some people believe your stories. Truth is Singh is in jail in Turkey for wearing rubber clothing in public and picking up little girls and stealing their berkas. Tell em’, Singh.