HOLY CR*P... close call

You censored the word crap, lol <3

Did you really censor crap?
And yes, that was quite the close call.
EDIT: beaten to it, :fu: <3


wtf was that?!

i saw the yellow car go by and thought, “it wasn’t THAT close, certainly not thread worthy.”

then the second car showed up…

like they were standing still

was that a corvette? lol

Yeah that was C6 or some sort of road race version.

It’s Spaceball one, they’ve gone to plaid!

and that is why you dont mirror drive when faster cars are out on the track…

cant judge the speed

Guess somebody was not moving over LOL.

He shot that gap!

that was definitely a cheek squeezer.

Exige correct?


It was a Lotus Exige GT3. Driver runs it in FIA GT3 and he’s a former F3 driver. While an insane pass, the guy is definitely good.

Holy Po*p! <3


WHOOOOO that one puckered up my butthole!

-Bad Boys 2