Holy F0k! Found my new car! BID WAR!?

The wheels blow. I like the headlights better too. To me, flip up = old skool Lambo.

I just like getting a rise outta ya, makes my day better:lol

They look like Saleen knock off rims…

Pricl. :slight_smile:

They are. Maybe legit? Not sure.

I think the flip up light are sick. I love the style of the 1g’s!!

Flip up head lights >> huge rear window visors


Def not legit, they didnt come flat black, and the center cap is different.

hey look at it this way every thing has been broking at least once and all the used parts r low miles so the next time they brake the bolt’s will atleast be easy to get out !!!

What POS !!!

h00ked 0n f0nix

shift 518 worst speller bitch, i’m not giving up the title that easy.:rofl


Hah. Well played sir. :slight_smile:

he said they are saleen REPLICAS right in the listing… durrr :retardclap

whoa new jack, slow your role.

nice car…green is ugly…but yay for a supra killer

Didnt read the listing, looked at the picture, realized it was Shawns pos, saw gay added wheels, and put my .02 in. Thank you come again :retardclap(2)=:haha

just cuz im new dont mean i cant be a dick just like the rest of ya :thumbup

So you admit fail. Nice.

Negator, just admit to not reading 3 pages of stuff on it lol.

supra killer? ha

Supra KILLA#@($@