holy s*** .. Prez BusH said "S***" on mic !!!

It certainly gives hope to every kid who has ever aspired to be president.

Are you saying Teddy was not smart? What about Mr. Lincoln?

Wow…just…wow. The media is so pathedic. CNN is adapting the Michael Moore way of journalism. Take one fact, spin it to support your oppinion, then publicize the “shit” out of it.

Teddy Roosevelt was without a doubt one of if not the greatest president we ever had. He did more for our country as a whole than the past 5 presidents combined.

Today, not…100 and 150 years ago.

I thought this was ya funnier:

"Yo Blair, what’re you doing? Are you leaving,” Bush said.

Our president dropped a “YO” on the prime minister of GB. :lol:

Its sad that the american public is accepting the fact that a president can be a total dumbass and still run the country.

IDK, call me crazy, but its just not right.

The most ironic part of this was when i was flipping thru the stations and i saw BET reporting on it

are you fucking kidding me ?

does BET realy have the right to bitch that the presidant said “shit” ???

pot calling the kettle … pot calling kettle … come in please

swearing fucking rules.

lol of course they’re covering it like rabid dogs on a corpse

the cable news stations are a joke (as are most news papers)

if 2 heads of state can’t say shit to eachother…I don’t even think shit is a bad word, Bush does (well his FCC does) shit and fuck are used as often as “the” in everyday conversation, which is what was going on. So what’s the big fucking deal.

And for people bitching about the media making this a news story…well you can blame that on there being 3 major 24 hour cable news channels and hundreds of online sources…you can’t risk the other guy being the only guy running the story.

MSNBC played the whole 2 minutes…which is the only cable news network I watch for news.

I just like watching the right wing talking heads saying “non-story, who cares, blah blah” then have a segement on why todays pop culture of bad language from liberal hollywood is destroying the youth of america…