holy s*** .. Prez BusH said "S***" on mic !!!

holy fuck, are they realy reporting on this ?

wow … such a newsworthy comment … and its not like the news is reporting on the ENTIRE conversation … every station that reports on it only reports on that one line, despite the fact that they are talking about world affairs

:tup: to swearing
:tdown: to media sucking and ignoring the issue.

I saw that everyone was making a big thing of it. If you go to CNN.com you can watch the quite a bit of the recorded private convo. Thats more interesting that the swearing.

i could see if he used a line like “that towel-head has to stop…” in that case i would be onboard w/ the media, because THAT would be out of line … even if it was part of a private convo

using the word shit is just as bad as if he had dropped a folder full of paperwork and said “oh fuck” … its minor, it doesnt refer to a PERSON in a negative manner and i therfore harmless

congrats to the media getting all uptight over a world leader refering to war as “shit” … which it is… :bloated:

Yeah, it’s pretty clear CNN is far left leaning when that was the #1 story at cnn.com all day, and the actual war got moved to the small print.

:tup: to Fox News yet again for at least keeping their eye, and the headlines, on the real story.

:word: Who the fuck cares if Bush dropped an “S” bomb in a conversation that wasn’t even supposed to be recorded. Apparently it’s okay to drink alcohol (wine) at these meetings but god forbid someone swears.

Ronald Reagan Just before a radio address, he said into a live microphone: “I’m pleased to tell you that I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes”


Fox news is just as SHITTY has CNN. They’re just shitty in a different direction.

When you see your doctor, you expect him to be professional about everything, right?

It wouldnt look so great if he came in and said “yeah, im sorry to tell you this, but the cancer looks like it is spreading. The shits getting worse.”

Its not like I REALLY care…but, come on, he never says anything intelligent. Maybe if he had a more respectable manner of speaking, it wouldnt matter so much. But, because he is a dumbass, it makes the news.

True. But who would care, if AFTER you left the room, that doctor said to another doctor, “Man that shit is spreading.”

But, you happened to tie your shoe outside the room and overheard him.


Its not like he announced it to everyone in a speach. Yes being the president or any other job, you should watch what you say… I don’t know why its a big deal?

yeah, i didnt even really read the article.

pretty gay.

Bush isn’t a doctor, though. In anything. Now Condi, on the other hand, knows how to speak.

He was a C student at Yale. We can let this slide. I didn’t think there were too many expectations for Bush, anyway.




One more reason I could never be president. Can you imagine trying to live your life where every single second you have to be thinking “someone is recording me right now”.

uh yeah, i’m over it now

after he flipped off the camera a while back, reagan puked on that prime minister and bill clinton became an oral sex punchline

yeah, i’m over it

wiki - presidntial gaffes :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._presidential_faux-pas,_gaffes,_and_unfortunate_incidents

I think its pretty fair to expect the Pres. to be JUST as professional as a doctor. You no think so?

Yeah, but we’re not talking about just any old president. Being articulate isn’t one of his strong points.

It’s just not realistic to hold him to the same standard as other professionals. This shouldn’t be shocking to anybody.

Bush is lowering the standards of becoming a president. Thats a real ass blower if you ask me. If you didnt ask me, then it just sucks.

Smart people don’t want to become president. Smart people may work with the president, but they know better than to become president. Colin Powel, for example.