Holy sh!t: Spotted a dodge concept vehicle in cheektowaga. PICS

At home depot.

I’ll try to first describe it, i only have one shitty pic of the rear of it…

On the back was some weird rocket launcher probe looking thing, that was clearly sagging. It was covered in aluminum foil. It had a length of rope tied to it. It had a similar apparatus hanging off the front, as well as a very tall mirror precariously positioned on a long pole sticking out the front. It had a thermometer taped to the inside rear window. Despite the fact that it was unmanned, when i approached it, it was softly playing the popular good charlotte song: I Don’t Wanna Be In Love.

Before you scroll down to the pictures. Please not that while the additions to the vehicle are hilarious, the real humor lies in a sign taped in the back window… It looks like those degrees REALLY paid off.



Kinda funny, because Jeller and I seen the Dodge concept vehicles with the black “masking” over them rolling down the 90 around 4 pm yesterday. 3 covered cars in the middle of a pack of Chargers.



Is that guy serious?

only in vegas

thats a Dodge van


thats a Dodge van


word. i didn’t feel like figuring out wtf it was, so i just guessed.

dat sho am good


i saw u on union at lunch was this when u were taking said pics

engineers with free time are bad things

I saw this same van at the tops plaza in cheek yesterday too. I thought all the extremities covered in tin foil was to keep the aliens away.