What the hell just parked in front of my house?


This would have made a nice snowblower target half an hour ago…

Snake upgraded!


Id rock it!

ROFL…ahhhh the snake.

No pics of driver FTL. :tdown:

Axle Van Hagar or whoever that butthead is

Nooooooo, he has an STI…Unless he blew all his money and had to sell it :lol:

He’s hiding with Ashton Kucher(sp) WAITING TO PUNK YOU!!!111!!

id totally rock it and hit old people with it :tup:

LOL Sammie Van Halen. And he would not rock that.



I almost figured it had to be, I can’t be the first person to notice this thing. I live 3 houses down from the convent too.

UGH. I’ve seen this around before. I cried a little when I saw it.

i thought so. i’ve seen this around a few times before . I :picard: every tie

Judging by his hood, id say he is the founder and president of “uncle bens”

you should shoot it before it bites someone.

leftover movie prop from the goonies?

this POS is around Hamburg all the time, theres like 2 other cars and a truck that match

self important people rock!