Holy shit: Crazy story


Yea, and I agree with you as well, someone who is suicidal due to some stupid social bullshit which seems to go on now I completely think is cowardly. However someone who is suffering from a life threatening illness, especialy one that will make them deteriorate and cause pain over the rest of their remaining lifespan should have the ability to have a Doctor assisted suicide such as with Dr. Kevorkian.

If I was to come down with a life threatening illness that I knew was going to cause me tremendous physical pain, along with making everyday tasks impossible, and also put my family through extreme pain, you bet your ass I’d be calling kevorkian, I would rather die on my own terms, peacefuly and comfortably with my family than in agnozing pain not being able to wipe my own ass.

+1, when its my time to go, i do not want to suffer at all, nor do i want to burden my loved ones.

i believe that if someone wants physician assisted suicide due to a terminal illness that they should be allowed to. its their choice whether or not they want to throw in the towel, no one else should be able to stop them from their decisions.

yeah, I read it.
Even with brain function he still cant do much.
Would you really want to be in that condition? I know I wouldnt and I wouldve rather died in the accident.


Obviously I would not want to be in that condition. Yes, he cannot do much physically but that does not make him useless. Do you think we should off paraplegics?

Paraplegics still have some function and can do stuff like work or even drive a car in a wheelchair so no, thats not what Im saying.

Basically this guy is like an infant with the mind of a 46 year old. He would never be able to have any kind of job or really do anything somewhat productive.

and how about people paralyzed from the neck down?

Youre relentess, arent you?

Even they have a better chance than this guy although not much.


I agree with PJB too. I’ve told my family members and girlfriend as well if something ever happened like that where I was a vegetable or required life support for the rest of my life, that I would not want to live.

My quality of life at the point isn’t there for me to continue a meaningful life and for my family to try keep me around in that state is a selfish act.