home audio gurus, need help

trying to hook up time warner cable to my projector via hd cable from cable box to hd receiver. I get picture, but there is no damn audio? If I switch inputs to my ps3 I get sound no problem… Same if I put it on Xbox, bluray player or just tuner… TV audio just wont work.

Sounds like a setting on your cable box.

It might be sending audio to optical or composite audio. Check the settings under sound. I had that EXACT issue with my projector and I remember solving it in the settings menu on the cable box.

turn up the audio on the box that displays the time.

there is a volume control on box and tv.

turning up volume on actual cable box was first thing i tried… didnt work

went to settings on cable box after reading your reply and this is what comes up


audio digital output options include = HDMI, DobyDIGITAL or other

audio range incudes narrow, normal or wide

volume control only has 1 option, fixed

Have you tried a different input on the back of the receiver dave? What brand/model reciever is it, could be something turned off or something on that specific input.

Have you tried switching one of the working HDMI cables to the box to see if it might be a bad cable? Some receivers also have options for changing where the audio comes from… it might be set to a digital input instead of the HDMI. Pulling the HDMI cable off of the PS3 and connecting to the cable box would test both of those.

Yes, ive switched it from BD to DVD to Video and all the same results… Dont know the model off hand and im at work but its a newer (manufactured within the last 2 years) Toshiba receiver w/ 4 hmdi inputs.

Yeah, the first cable i used actually WAS bad, replaced it and got picture. It cant be that because like I said I get audio from my ps3, my xbos 360, my blu ray player AND the tuner on the receiver itself… only the cable doesnt have sound…

Couple quick questions to verify:

  1. If you plug the PS3 / Xbox / Blu-ray into the same port you are trying to use the cable in do you get sound? This will verify that the receiver port is working correctly and eliminate the receiver from the problem.

  2. If you unplug the HDMI from the back of the PS3 / Xbox / Blu-ray and into the cable box do you get any sound? This will verify that it isn’t the cable itself and act as a double check of the receiver.

If you try / have tried both of those and you still don’t get sound, you know that there is nothing wrong with the cable or the receiver and it has to be an issue with either a setting in the cable box or an issue with the cable box itself. At that point I would call up TWC and see if there is a hidden setting you are missing.

I’ve done everything youve said exept for taking an hdmi cable right out of an xbox/ps3 and putting it in the cable box… I figured, if I got picture, I know the cable works… I even took the cable box down stairs, unplugged my other one and plugged this one in and got sound.

below is a pic of the sound options I got when I went to “devices” on options… ive messed with every single setting and sound never turned on.

Just because you get picture doesnt mean the cable isnt bad. its quite possible one of the wires/pins in the cable is bad causing the audio to not work.

ill check it out when i get home, im putting my money on it still not working with 1 of 30 brand new in plastic hdmi cables ive got at home, any thoughts then? Need some 100"+ tv screens! lol

I’ve seen plenty of HDMI cables have issues right out of the bag / box. The only way to really know 100% is to swap over one of the known working cables and see if it works. My money is on the cable box, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure.

cable box as im doing the wrong setting? Bc like I said, ive physically took this new cable box that I just got from time warner yesterday and brought it downstairs to one that was in my living room, unhooked the exsisting one and hooked up the one i just got and there was sound.

Either that or a bad HDMI output. I know the cable boxes have a ‘hidden’ menu that a lot of installers use for setting it up… but yours sounds more like a bad output.