Homeowner Crew: STAR Rebate Checks on the way

If you haven’t changed any of your property information, your STAR rebate check should automatically be on its way to you today.

If you make over $250,000/year, you don’t get one.

Find out how much you’ll get via the link below.


wait i thought it was just discounted from our taxes? i didnt know you get a check?


sweet, getting $430 back, Used EVO here I come… ah crap I’m $20k short, maybe a used shed then.

Beats me, as it is my first go around. I am just going off what ch. 2 news and the interwebz is saying. Either way, it’s going into my escrow.

i dont know where to start with this … :gotme: … we have owned for 11 months now …

EDIT: i got the app from online

So if I read that site right they should be sending me an application in the mail shortly for this? Just bought the house in April but I’m assuming I’m eligible.

don’t assume they will send it too you. The first time and and arbitrary times afterwards you have to apply(reapply) for STAR. Check with your town hall. Also if you are a Veteran check for that school tax discount.

Terry i was also told i would get something in the mail and i never did… this is why i dont have anything for it…

$537… sweet…

woooooo hoooooo Free money!!!I’m running to mobile to get some scratch offs and double my money and stimulate the economy

Mine comes off my tax bill automatically, see below. Wonder if i’ll get a check too?

(They figured out my grandma died so I don’t get the senior exemption any more, that thing rocked. Sneaky bastards.)

:snky:^^^ sneaky democrat.Only getting $192:(

im only eligible for 217, and again, i’m pretty sure it just gets deducted from your taxes… don’t think you get a check

mine if i ever get it will come off payment

yea, mine is deducted from my taxes as well, i know because my school tax bill is due on the 15th of october, and it shows on there the deduction in my property value for the school tax #…


Whole lot of people in this thread not willing to spend 30 seconds reading online to get anywhere from a $100-$500 check.

Here’s a hint, the rebate checks are separate from your STAR reduction on your taxes.

I’d post the links but I’m so disgusted by the lack of effort thus far I’ve decided if you can’t find it on your own the state should get to keep your money.


Says a check in addition to the tax bill exemption…

Nearly 3.3 million households may be eligible for a STAR rebate, which is in addition to the STAR property exemption on taxpayers’ school tax bills. It is expected that more than $1.1 billion will be turned back to homeowners through this year’s rebate program.

Rebate checks and applications will be mailed automatically in alphabetical order, by county, meaning that Albany County homeowners will receive their checks or applications first, followed by homeowners in Allegany and Broome Counties. Mailing to all of the state’s counties, including the City of New York, will be completed by the end of October.

word. thanks jay. in honor of your efforts, I’m going to donate mine to obama.