Honda-Tech hilarity

Was that the one I was with you at???

I want to punch that fuckin’ Just Beiber hair cut mother fucker standing behind that fat bitch…FUCK!

yeah man.

which reminds me of that time we pulled a trial header off a wrecked matrix that was parked in an alley in the projects in trenton… talk about fish out of water :crackup

Word, only white boyz around for MILES

bad news bears

This is what happens when you give a bunch of under 18 juggalos energy drinks without supervision.

Fuck yea man you cant go on CL out here with out seeing an ad saying “Have you seen my Honda”. Its ridiculous.

Ridiculous but not suprising. I couldnt imagine living in an urban area and owning a honda/acura, Id be worried 24/7.

Fat bitch is clearly retarded, loud and dumb as fuck. Lets all pray that she never reproduces but more than likely she will before shes old enough to buy a beer.

Buy/trade car without title, get mad when actual owner tries taking it and send bieber mob to punch him. Makes sense.

fat bitch got played, lol. Give her a twinkie and I’m sure she’ll calm down.

he should have did what the dude in the Vw did to the people on the bikes!!!

Summary of video 1: ‘GET THE FUCK OUTTA MAH CAR’ x200

Summary of video 2: See: Cloverfield

this is karma saying fat bitches should not own crxs.

love seeing trashy people get fucked overrrr hahah

Crazy ass bitch…and whats the deal with everyone stealing Hondas? I mean if you’re gunna steal a car steal something nice!

Clearly the ease of resale even without title. :eek3

people think hondas are rare thats why this happens. jdm fan boys all over think their crx si in crap condition with 200k miles is worth 6k lol. like landon on here and honda tech fan boys.

and people go crazy when they want something. people die on black friday for some item and i bet its plastic too. crazy how people want things more than life. some risk life for split second happiness. imo its stupid and never get between some tv watcher and his new lcd tv or its on.

Vlad, can I ban him out of sheer stupidity please?


Not even sure what the second part has to do with anything. Why do you have such a hardon for Lyndon? I have dealt with him twice now, in terms of buying/selling parts, he is good people in my book. Who are you again?