Honda-Tech hilarity


Kid has CRX for sale.
Shady guy takes it for a test drive and never comes back
Thief trades fat girl for her Integra
Original owner sees his CRX at a Honda-Tech meet and repo’s that shit

Police come… start asking questions. Here they are driving the car away

You can see the chubber still trollin around

Police ruled in favor of the original owner and he got his car back leaving the chubby yelling bitch without a car. He will be pressing charges on everyone who threw punches at him. And these stickers were made.

Note how everyone at that meet looks like an emo faggot. Ridiculous

Car is older than all those emos. lol

buying one of those stickers…also that shits hilarious what a friggen scumbag to steal and then trade off the car

Did the oringal owner leave a signed title in the car or something? I dont see how he could have traded a stolen CRX for the teg, unless this girl is really dumb and drove around an unregistered vehicle for awhile :lol

dumb bitch. and I hope the dicks that punched him get arrested too. That kid wasn’t at fault at all here.

Dumb bitch. Why would you hand over the title to your car and not get the title for the other? You are stupid, and have a loud annoying voice. Yelling the same thing over and over for 3 minutes isnt going to get you anywhere… as you can see now. lol

would NOT smash

I know the original owner had the title, all paperwork, and the spare key. Not sure how she was driving.

Mahhhhh Caaaaarrrr! :ahh

I never wanted to see a fat bitch get her ass kicked more. SHUT THE FUCK YOU CHUBBY HOBGOBLIN

is that seattle area? looks like a DOD navy region northwest sticker on the windsheild

Yea I was wondering that as well because the parking sticker looked similar to your old one.

you can see the washington plate at the end of the second video. but shady stuff like that happens alot up there man. my buddy had a ITR swapped EK, got stolen from his driveway and was stripped, dumped and bare shell found within a week.

honda dudes are a bit shady it seems.

They are shady any where you go thanks to all the scumbags out there

If you go to a Honda show you’re guaranteed to come back with less parts on your car.

Yea I wont go to any Honda events mainly due to the scum bag minorities you run into. I swear we were the only group of white kids at Honda-day last year

holy shit that fat bitch was annoying.

please, i went to a corolla swap meet in Jersey once :rofl

Sorry to hear about that

Only one I went to, I took my Nissan.

Someone sell that bitch a bridge quick! GET THE FUUUCK OFFF OF MAAAHHHH BRIIIIIIDGE!!!