I did an 97ex swap into my wifes 98 honda civic hx.
The engine starts and runs perfect, but the tranny isnt working properly.
Everytime i shift into Drive from Neutral, it knocks really hard (shifts rough)
Same thing happens while driving, everytime it shifts, it shifts really hard/rough.
DO you guys think motor mounts are bad? Does it have something to do with the axles? Bad tranny?
damn i suck.
did you connect up the tranny coolent lines to the rad and refill the fluid?
Does it have enough tranny fluid?
Yes, I have about 3q in there, and all the lines are hooked up.
I am getting a check engine light, but is for the sec. o2, which im about to wire right now, and a sensor for the tranny…hmmmmm
I wonder if that sensor is causing the problem,.
or your crappy weld on the tranny mount? 
lmao… IM going to try to change the motor mounts tomorrow,…
I noticed the engine has a lot of front/back play so im assuming the motor mounts are garbage,…
to bad you didnt pull them off the parts car
I replaced the driver, tranny lower mounts and bought the sensor for the tranny, and now the civic runs good…