
that blows man… i have to change the d/s one on the company 05 silverado. i’m soooo not looking forward to that. just gonna tell the old man to bring it in to the shop. lol

Silverado’s are easy. Just pull the pins and the housing pretty much falls out.

Dam feint … just drive your shitvic over to my place i will Use my skills to take the bulb out for you and you can be on your way.

I am sooo close! If I can’t get it this afternoon I will take the ole Shitvic over this week. I can touch the fucker, it just doesn’t want to come out.

I got the bulb out but it’s completely fucked. I tried for nearly 2 hours to take it out without damaging it. I said fuck it, put some damage on it, and out it came in 5 minutes. Thank God they’re only $25 Nokya’s. This bulb is gonna blow the first night I rock it, might as well just toss the OEM one back in.

Might go yellow after this one blows.

that power steering res slides up and out of the way… it can be tough but it does come out

I got the light in, but the driver side is definitely putting out less light than the right. I got the driver side finished up in the dark. It was pretty straight forward once I figured out the trick. Now I gotta change the bulbs again soon. Shiiit.

Here’s a pic. That magnetic stick saved my ass and made life 100x easier. That stick is going eight beside the duck tape, zipties, and tools.

Im glad you got your lighbulb changed.

Another insulting metaphor from Tacoboy :rolleyes:. You’re just redundant and predictable now. Someone’s gotta be SON’s biggest asshole.

As harsh as it seems its true Travis… lol You gotta admit

At least you can spell.

We both know he wasn’t talking about a light bulb. Obviously I did both as well, just one fell through and I couldn’t Be bothered to finish the job till it was warmer.

And dude, just call me Feint lol. I have been red flagged recently by the men in blue, I have been possibly I.D’d, and I can’t drive without being chased anyway (don’t ask). All I need right now is for that shit to extend to SON lol.

You must have really fucked up to have people chasing you wherever you go. My oh my.

Yeah dawg! I lost racing a Triad’s car for pinks against a Honda with naaawwwss at Race Wars and now all of China Town is after me. That’s what I get for granny shifting and not double clutching like I should.

See, always always double clutch!