You are missing many key details I need to make an est:
What kind of car?
Color change? If so, what about jambs, under hood/trunk?
What color?
Whats the end result need to be?
Here is the thing. If you brought me a car with “body work” already done and just wanted it painted… I generally wouldnt do it. Reason being, reputation. If your body work isnt on par with mine, and I just shot it it could have; missed lows, waves, sanding scratches, shrinkage, miss-shaped lines, etc. then my paint would show that. When people ask “who painted the car” and you say CRC, if its not followed up with a “But I did all the body work” every time, people assume I did the body work… not good for my rep. Little test… what filler do you use? Whats the final grit you use prior to primer/sealer? What do you use to sand your work? on a flat panel do you sand vertically, horizontally, circles, X’s??? I want to gauge the level of work, no offense… just want to see how much work you are actually saving/making for me.
If you wanted anything more than a “make it all one color” paint job, I would be going over all the body work and remainder of the body myself anyways. Maybe fixing your work, maybe not.
Also “2 coats of base” shouldn’t be a demand… coat number is a necessity and differs every job, every color, ever paint type, etc. There are many variables that can make it a 2 coat, 3, or 8 coat job. Shit paint that doesnt cover needs many coats. Lights shot over darks need more coats. metalics need about 2-3 good wet coats then a few high speed high pressure dust passes to smooth the flake, pearls need 4+ coats… You tell me the color, and Ill do the hard work.
I could take a “ready to spray” car, and paint it for $1000, or $10,000. it all depends.
it’d be FoMoCo Reef Blue, most likely on a fox body mustang (quite possibly on a 240, i love it on any car). it’s a metallic, and honestly i dont know much about spraying paint. i know the basics, like a dark color sprayed over a white base will stand out more, and a dark color on a dark base wont.
the exact brand of bondo I’ve used i don’t remember, but the #1 rule of body work is to lay it on no thicker then i believe a quarter.
last grit paper before primer is 640 or so. i don’t have the materials here so i couldn’t tell you exactly.