Hormel Black Label Maple Bacon

I cooked maple bacon one day right before work, and while I was at work I had people sniffing me all day.

This shit really is amazing bacon. Whole house smells like syrup.

To quote a quote from a thread I started:

“Do you own an emerging maple syrup conglomerate?”

maple bacon > *

Nicely done. Does your kitchen smell like maple syrup still??

in for being quotee.

Wasn’t that from Wedding Crashers? Ol’ Vince was so high on maple syrup, so much so that he puts it on pancakes and pizza as well as in his hair to keep it up.


last i heard, bacon isn’t offered in “bad”

yes, yes it is

just wrong in every respect.

new post link > stupid forum summaries.


Last week I made filet mignon wrapped in bacon served with gorgonzola butter. I have concluded that bacon is best served with beef, butter, and cheese.

fuck, now I’m hungry. Way to go Fry.

LOL dude brah i hope you took it down with some beer to help keep that heart pumpin.

lol naw crab legs dipped in more butter. Seriously. I cooked up a storm on Valentines day.

-pepperoni, cheese, crackers, grapes
-bacon wrapped filet with home made gorgonzola butter
-crab legs dipped in clarified butter with lemon
-wild rice (didn’t really eat much of that)

Yeah, I’m going to die. Or get fat, which is pretty much the same.

That is a meal!!! I want Fry to be my valentine next year. :present:

I should try that again tonight, only wrap like an entire top round in a blanket of bacon. Not just a little steak with one slice wrapped round it. Fuckin A. That’s brilliant. I think I might…

I should go get some of that black label bacon and make a maple bacon steak.

Dear God…

You need to get your life insurance in order asap.

lol Naw I need to start a bacon restaurant and a funeral home. Create my own market. Kind of like inventing the soup can and the can opener…


Fucking brilliant. :tup:

Think of the marketing nightmares trying to keep customer numbers high with a average customer lifespan of about 10 years lol.