Hostel 2

Anyone catch the first movie? I found it pretty gross. the sequel looks good. Anyone see the trailer?

Do you not know how to place threads in correct forums?

Just wondering.

ive seen all the trailers. looks hella gross

cant wait :tup:

First one was f*ucked up, I enjoyed it but my date my was smacking me saying “what kinda of moive did you bring me to” i think this was the part when there was a few naked girls on the screen :hitit:

Eh the first one didn’t gross me out at all. I am an EMT so I’ve seen so much shit in real life I’m pretty much completely desensitized to it. Still love those movies though lol.

the first one sucked. the second one will also suck

too scary f that shit

yeah if it weren’t for the unexpectedly large number of titties in the movie it would have been a complete waste of time/money

The ending is one of the worst I have ever seen.

Ending? You mean the 10 minutes at the end where they tried to give the audiance a reason that they just sat there in the theatre for 2 hours by cramming somewhat of a story into it?

hahahahah that sums it up

shut up you pussy

agreed. it wasn’t even that gross. There were 2 scenes that could be described as sick but the whole movie just sucked.

cant wait …opens week of june 8th… and oceans thirteen comes out that week also :tup:

if you dont like tarrentino, you wont like the movie. if you think it sucks, then dont go see his movies :tup:

looks real good cant wait to c it

Meh, #1 was entertaining.

#2 should be the same.

To me theres 3 categories of movies:

  1. Great movies
  2. Entertainment movies
  3. And I want my money back movies.

Not a whole lot fall into category 3, but lately a lot of Hollywood tends to drop into #2.

the first one was like a big porno tll the last 30 minutes ha good movie i would like to see the 2nd.

Pirates is more scary than Hostel 2.

I heard Hostel 2 was suppppper f*cked up…

I am looking forward to seeing it