Surprised no one has posted this yet. Has anyone seen it? It seems like it could be pretty good or they could take a good idea and just ruin it.
Worth seeing?
Surprised no one has posted this yet. Has anyone seen it? It seems like it could be pretty good or they could take a good idea and just ruin it.
Worth seeing?
looks sorta like a blair witch meets resident evil type story. Was looking to seee it cause the sign at the mall screamed at me and scared ths shit out of me.
Haha. I am torn. The previews look really good and seem like they have a realistic idea that could be really creepy but I dont want to see if and ruin a completely good idea and make it unrealistic and stupid.
wikipedia it you prolly wont like the results
Wow its only 1 hour and 29 minutes too. No wonder why no one wants to go to the movies anymore. Pay $9.50 for less than an hour and a half.
I disagree. I can’t stand movies that go on forever.
you haven’t had many girls have you, or atleast been to movies with them lol
If I am going to pay $20 bucks for 2 movie tickets and then another $15-20 for food there, I would like to be entertained for a little more than an hour and a half. Granted, I don’t want a movie that never ends but there has been tons of movies out there that are about 2 hours and have good stories throughout them.
I was going to see this but didn’t yet.
it was okay. i enjoyed it but i saw it on friday and the theatre was packed and everyone was fucking talking the whole time.
and the trailer for this spoils the last scene of the movie which really pissed me off in the end.
I thought the previews looked ok… i’ll probably see this, but on a week night… busy theaters ruin movies.
I know right?
I can’t STAND all the jump outs… my gf almost broke my hand(cock) from grabbing it so hard when she got scared