Cloverfield gets motion sickness warning

This is pretty funny.

I kind of like the idea of warnings on movies though. Had it seen, “Warning, this movie doesn’t really have any good special effects, or science fiction stuff in general, it’s just George Clooney talking for an hour and a half.” I would have saved an hour and a half of my life I wasted on Solaris.

“I mean, I’m so hot right now…” said Torri Crane.

Fuck! I say that shit daily.

:word: right


I can see getting sick if you sit really close to the screen or in IMAX. I purposely got there early and got top row, it was perfect and not even a thought of motion sickness.

they should tape a tablet of dramamine to every Cloverfield movie ticket

isnt the movie only 71 minutes long or some shit

Blair Witch: Urban Edition

it seemed a lot longer than that

movie is 1 hour 24 minutes long :tup:

deathproof barfed during the midnight opening lol

This movie just reeks of suck.

Fucking use a real camera asshole

I liked the shaky cam. Felt much more real and exciting

i hate when they do the shaky cam, i want to see a movie not some home video shit

it felt like days.

It was good

I think a lot of you knew the concept/style of the movie before you went…

Why go see a movie that was filmed the way it was if you hate that style? lol

No kidding, what a let down that was.


the movie was good, i really enjoyed it. going to see it again sat with 87fox/oroc

wow im a nerd

I was like hmm wtf is wrong with Solaris

I thought you meant the operating system.

thats why i won’t go to see it :stuck_out_tongue: it had my attention until they started showing more previews with the bounce camera