Hostess out of business; 18,500 jobs to be lost

I spend 100x more time with my daughter and don’t have to deal with corporate lying and other total bullshit that is associated with a not giving a fuck business. Now I know what my family can live off and will never work for a place that i feel poorly treated at. I know I won’t have a pension and i’m cool with working 1,000 different jobs until I find something that works for me. Its time to stand the fuck up and not get kicked around anymore.


We all can’t be doctors or lawyers.
If you have 8 million kids that graduate college every year and only 1 million job openings every other year, its a good chance someone will have to do something else.

As I’ve said before, we need our manufacturing jobs back from China.

I hate when I see people on strike, especially Verizon workers on central.

People should be happy they have jobs instead of bitching.

Unions protect the worst employees…

This. Protects and teaches people how to be the laziest pieces of shit and bitch about not getting paid enough.

I’m glad I’m in the UTU.

The UTU sucks for me on a local level. The company doesn’t honor the contract and the union says “oh they can do that”. I pay $100 a month for a parking spot. I agree with people bitching that unions protect lazy people, but it protects good workers that makes a mistake from being fired on the spot. It also protects the employee from being bullied by a big corp. I’m talking about what i have seen personally with the company I work for and the union I belong to.

Don’t worry, Obama will take us forward.

I’m not against unions by any means. Protecting the employees is great. My father was in a union, lived comfortably always working, and retired with a good pension. But he also wasn’t a lazy one.

Uhm…get your facts straight. We worked for over a year with no contract. They picketed after hours to protest Verizon asking for way to many give backs…but we still went to work every day. I hate that the bulk of the kids out there thinks the world owes them a living. That people would rather sit on their fat asses collecting unemployment and welfare that I have to pay for than go get that job at McDonalds making $8 hr flipping burgers. The world needs ditch diggers too. Sorry that you can’t live on $25-30k…time to lower your standards and live within your means.

My facts were straight, I said I hate driving by the Verizon on central ave. seeing them picketing… That’s a fact.

Also you saying they picket after hours isn’t a fact. When I drive by and there’s a huge fucking inflatable rat on the side of the road with people holding up signs during the day, I’m pretty sure the Verizon stores open.

I’m with you on your other thoughts though.


Yah D. Gage. I feel the same way. I became a happy person when i took a pay cut and stopped trying to run shit and stress out every day trying to do so. Now i get to spend more time with my kids, play softball and video games or whatever, and im fine. I was dying trying to be something i wasnt and deep down didnt want to be.

Isn’t 8 dollars an hour only $16k a year. I think you would need government assistance to help you get by with that much. Also thats if the company paid you 40hrs which they won’t cuz then they would have to pay full-time with insurance blah blah blah. 16k a year plus well fare man the American dream is dead.

On a side note the auto bailout was actually started by the republicans by a guy named GW Bush.

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Boxes of twinkles are going for $100 on eBay.

Colorado leaglizes weed and hostess goes out of business. Well played America!

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When I met my wife she had a minimum wage job paid and still managed to work 40 hrs a week minimum while going to school full time and paying all of her own bills including rent. So for those who say they can’t make it work I say bullshit. It’s not a comfortable lifestyle and if you want to make a nice living you have to work hard and progress from there. The problem is exactly what is stated above, people are freakin lazy and want shit handed to them.

Or they seem to feel entitled or “above” certain jobs. If you need money you do what you have to.


My wife did the same but the again my rent back then was only 325 a month and gas was under a dollar a gallon. So I would say we had it easier. As for me I took all your tax money and had the army train me now I have a great job they even do tuition assistance up to 10k a year. No union needed. Did I mention I work for a Japanese company? Now that’s funny LoL!

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