Hostess out of business; 18,500 jobs to be lost

Good. Hostess made us fat anyway

[quote=JoeD.;999458]My wife did the same but the again my rent back then was only 325 a month and gas was under a dollar a gallon. So I would say we had it easier. As for me I took all your tax money and had the army train me now I have a great job they even do tuition assistance up to 10k a year. No union needed. Did I mention I work for a Japanese company? Now that’s funny LoL!

I’m talking about 3 years ago, her rent was 550 a month and gas wasn’t all that cheap. Not saying life isn’t tough now, what I’m saying is I don’t accept the answer of “it’s too hard out there”

You realize the Verizon Wireless side (store) is non union right?

Unions are part of the problem in this country not part of the solution.

In theory they may seems good and they were practical during the industrial revolution but they have no place in modern society.

They create unemployment by limiting membership and prevent the most qualified individual from doing the job.

They’re selfish, greedy and the quality of work they produce is no where near equal to the wages they demand.

you probably think “trickle down economy” works too. :lol

Try working for a company where they would rather fire you then anything else.
Brand new guys are more worried about being fired for any mistake rather than worrying killing themselves or others. Its all perspective, unless you have worked at a place like this you just don’t understand the need for a union.

Unions are not a part of the problem, they help regular people from getting pushed around by large corporations. They are no selfish or greedy they just fight for employees rights.

Also anyone can get into a union its not like its an elite club.

From what I’ve read the management all gave themselves raises, while dipping into the pension funds of the employees. Filing for bankruptcy means they aren’t likely to have to pay that back, either. Can kinda understand why the employees were getting pissed off.

In July of 2011 we received a letter from the company. It said that the $3+ per hour that we as a Union contribute to the pension was going to be ‘borrowed’ by the company until they could be profitable again. Then they would pay it all back. The Union was notified of this the same time and method as the individual members. No contact from the company to the Union on a national level.

This money will never be paid back. The company filed for bankruptcy and the judge ruled that the $3+ per hour was a debt the company couldn’t repay. The Union continued to work despite this theft of our self-funded pension contributions for over a year. I consider this money stolen. No other word in the English language describes what they have done to this money.

I think some unions have too much power (especially the teacher’s union), but there was some pretty sleazy shit going on here.

I do see it everyday. I’ve seen them lie, steal and harrass but the last thing the worry about is getting fired since they use the Union as a security blanket for their own stupidity.

Individually union members are good honest people but in a group they are anything but.

Unions do restrcit membership in order to keep the wages for their members high. If everyone flooded into the union then their individual wages would plummet. They are an employment supply restrictor.

I’m not saying they should be outright abolished since they do have their place but this is an example, among others, where they do more harm than good.

P.S. I strongly oppose trickle down economics.

he found out


There’s a lot of “fake” eBay auctions out there right now, or at least I believe they’re fake:

Fuck. I wanted to get out and buy a shitload of them and throw them on there but places are cleared out

When they sell off their assets their brand names will most likely be considered an asset. Most likely someone will buy the Twinkie name and they will be back. I heard on the radio this morning that Pabst is looking into buying Twinkies.

still catching up on this thread got this far and wanted to say something. :slight_smile:

Half the people look at the co closing and only the people working there being effected.

Half, of half the people left look at the companies that worked with yet apart from the main co closing and those people being effected also by the closing. Like you said, even down to the local diners and shit that 90% of their daily patrons were employed at the main co.

Then you take the half of that 1/4 of the people and these people left can also see long term, the entire big picture here. And how many of those people in this small group can actually do anything to “help”?

Thats the sad part.

The thing to remember also, are the communities and people making the “all in” bets on companies like this and designing a community around it. Thats why the big tech parks and everything scare the hell out of me. SOOOO much is riding on that, if it fails, the hole to dig out of is WAY too big. All the 500K houses with $400K left on the mortgage will be for sale and nobody to buy them. Banks will foreclose and eat the losses. One loose link, and the entire chain hits the ground.

This country needs to stop banking on ONE bet. Diversify the deck of cards and try to win more than you lose.

Colleges make way to fucking much money in this country. They are honestly just as big a problem as the government itself. Sorry but when you can afford to pay a football coach 4Mill a year, and the professors (teaching is the fucking point of college isnt it) 200 times less than that coach… its fucked up right there.

Kids don’t have money, most of the parents don’t either. Gov hands out loans like candy, because colleges pressure them to (political ties). They filter kids in and out to make money, leaving the graduated people underdeveloped, over accredited, and in debit up to their ears. Then they only look for high end jobs to get out of the 100K debit sooner and won’t take an entry level pos, then take their Justice degree and go look for some unrelated job then complain about “it’s so hard to find a job”. It’s a revolving door of failure in the overall scheme of things. Make it harder to get into and through college, and you will find the graduating population shrinking, getting smarter, working harder and being more realistic with their career paths.

you understand for sure. nice post

lmao the twinky monster

another great post.

where you said a 500k house with 400k left on mortage i thought of the locals in our area that i know off that owe 200k+ on a 100k home. the housing mortage crisis is to blame. also re financing or reverse mortages hurt too. debt is what the us is all about. we are over 7trillion in debt. our cuntry runs on paying off the past. they want you to live with debt too

my family has owned a brokerage for awhile. i see it all the time. just remember when you get a $100k loan at 5% for 30yrs how much you will pay in the end. banks always win

Same thing with cars. Anyone can get a car loan realistically. People run out, get approved and buy $35K cars with nothing down, and take payments around $450 a mo for 72 months all the time. Its just as bad as a bad house purchase. Then the car in 3 years has around 50kmi on the clock and is now worth about $15K. They made 16,200 in payments(not all towards the principle), but still owe $19K on it. Then they are upside down quite a bit.

ORRR worse, college kid gets his first job making $35K in a decent entry level position and still lives at home and runs out to get that new WRX for cause $450 is nothing a mo right! Well when you leave the nest and tack on $300 a mo for college loans, $800 in rent and utilities, $100 a week in gas, $100 in food, and say another $150 in CC bills. $2350 a mo is your new “overhead”! X 12 months… $28K a year. Saving 7K a year if you dont do anything but pay bills, eat, sleep, work, repeat. Which is 134$ a week “play money”.

Enjoy that 2012 WRX, and those lonely nights watching a movie with Ramon and Beast Ice!

Forethought works, reacting to mistakes for YEARS blows. Let me tell ya!!!

pbr might be buying hostess.


<3 PBR