Hot Saturn Sky

yes its photoshoped but still it looks so fuckin awsome. if they came out with that hard top and bady kit my s-series car would be out the door tomorrow

sick elise.


kind of viper ish… but i like it.

thats a Saturn??? wow. and thats one hell of a blindspot on the B-pillar there lol

Say hello to my mini-vette!

If its a saturn then be prepaired to die in a horrific ball of firey death.

I dont really like saturns. I have done auto extrication on them…chiepest made cars EVER!

meh its ok.

Sweet Opel Speedster Turbo…

thans kinda coo.


Those wheels are waaayy to big.

I dont like the wheels on it at all. but the body desifn is kinda spiffy.

looks pretty good to me :tup:

that thing looks hot, saturn WAKE YUR ASS UP