I havent seen anyone rock the no grill look other than myself. Looks so much better without the grill.
^ X2
somone asked about that spoiler on the red coupe looks to be an oem EF civic hatch spoiler
and that exhaust tip that that was mentioned looks to be a motorcycle tip
^ What kind of tails are those?
Still lots to do. Install my new coils, find a set of ganadors, install my navan sides, autech grille and signals, my multilink, pfc, r34 gtr seats.
epic thread, freakin sick!
saw dylans car last night. pics dont do it justice. the damn thing looks black on camera for fuck sakes.
may have to LHD convert an S15…
also… Dylan… Fuck you man… Fuck You… DFYMFY
what the hell does that mean haha
Dylan, Fuck You Man… Fuck You
but yeah, get them skirts on… you doing the front lip as well?
Does everyone have to post that on every forum and their facebook?
I understand what your talking about, i saw the car today, and what kinda pic is that Dylan LOL??
yes Sir it worked very well
what kinda front lip is that in the last pic? thats not stock is it?
btw this thread should be a sticky
Yes, it’s a stock lip. It’s off a pignosed front.
Love the wheels on that coupe.
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