House mold (Renting)

so the house I’ve been living in since last summer, has mold, and lots of it.

My roommates and I have been assuming this is why we’ve all been sick for the past little while since the temps went just above freezing. So we had a test done and the guy who came is positive that the air samples are going to come back with hazardous numbers.

soo… my question is, what kind of legal parameters are set here? We talked to the landlord and he basically just said we are welcome to just bail on the current lease as well as the one we signed for next year(before knowing about mold)

I would prefer to just be done with it, move out and move on, but my roommates, and especially their parents may not let it go so easily. The biggest issue I have is at this time of year, it’s not easy to find what you want for a house around UB and I don’t want to live in University Heights. I want to stay in Amherst.

anyone deal with something like this before? How hard is it to fix the problem when there is mold all over the attic, and basement?

Just move out.


well like I said, we can’t find a house in the area right now. so if you know of any 5 bdrm houses in amherst for rent, let me know.

black mold is not good… nor easily remediated.

move out.

I would imagine there is some relavent information here:

you have the right to move out, and depending on what health ramifications that you are having, seeking reimbursal for lost time from employment and any medical bills. It might end up in court if the landlord is stubborn enough.

I’ve just been going into work sick as fuck and dealing with it. Roommates don’t work, we all go to school full time.

NYS Department of Health
Western Region
Buffalo Office
584 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202-1295
(716) 847-4302

If I were in your shoes, first and foremost I’d gtfo. Don’t screw with your health. Especially with some unknown toxic mold that’s making everyone in the house sick.

Then I’d contact the Department of Health so that he knows to not try and get rent from you, and so that nobody else moves in before it’s corrected.

But that’s just what I’d do. I don’t know if that’s the best route. :shrug:

Wait so how do you know if your house has mold?
Can you like see it?

Here’s a pic. Look really close. You can just barely make it out.

Hehe yeah you can see it. Most of the time it’s harmless, but there are types of mold that really suck ass.



I hope to god you found that pic online and that’s not your house. You would be dumb as fvck to live in a house like that.

I agree get out of there ASAP. Yeah, it’s a bitch to find a new place but your new place may be a hospital bed soon.

Yeah that was just an online pic of a severe case of mold. I’ve got several sump pumps, some freshly sealed basement walls, and a dehumidifier ensuring that my house stays nice and dry and mold free. :tup:

yeah, get out asap. A guy at work was put in the hospital for a few months from the shit.

You don’t want to fuck around with it

To sum up black mold in three little words: Long. Term. Damage.

Respitory; neural; and possibly mental.

But hey, if thats what gets you off :tup:

is the house by any chance on hillcrest dr. ??

Just move out. I’m going to assume the legal hassle (and cost to you) you would need to go through would be not worth it considering I am sure you all have health insurance that took care of your sickness without money out of pocket.

Now if you had no health insurance and got some incurable disease because of this then yeah fight it. I’d just start looking for a new place, easiest way out.

woodcrest. why?

that can’t be good.

Wow, I was about to make the exact same thread. I live at the Ritz (quite a few NYSpeeders have lived in this place). As many know it is a shithole and the ceiling has been leaking for years. Well I moved in because I needed to get out of my house and the people who live here rule.:gay2:The water that occasionally leaked into my bucket was kind of dirty looking. Since the weather has warmed up (and cooled down and warmed up…) the water has been BLACK. Coincidently I have never felt worse in my life. I’ve been short of breath 90% of the last 2 months. I’ve been eating better, I barely smoke and I even quit for a while but no difference. If it’s not related to this I’d be surprised. Our slumlord claims he is finally replacing the roof, as patching it didn’t work. But the chance that he will thoroughly take care of the mold is slim, so I’m calling on a new place today. Not worth the risk. Especially since I’m actually going to see a doctor, something I never do, and I have no insurance.

Oh yeah, one of my roommates (Les Beast) took a good whiff of the water that had dripped on his pillow and later coughed up blood! I’m debating whether to have the mold tested anonymously if i can find a place, just out of curiousity. I’m also mulling over blowing in the landlord after we can move out. Trust me, move out! We’re having trouble finding a place too, but it’s not worth feeling like shit every day.