House w/living space in army missile space

On the discovery channel there was a house, full house, positioned ontop of an old army military missile silo or something. These guys had a huge stairway going down from their house, and it goes into the army space like hundreds of feet below ground, which they made into a living space (nicely furnished). anyone know what I’m talking about?

I’ve heard of these before and have seen some pictures on the internet. Dont remember where though but it was pretty sweet.


On the discovery channel there was a house, full house, positioned ontop of an old army military missile silo or something. These guys had a huge stairway going down from their house, and it goes into the army space like hundreds of feet below ground, which they made into a living space (nicely furnished). anyone know what I’m talking about?


that sounds like one expensive ( and deep ) spiral staircase. i’d like to see pics.

and why not just get a fireman’s pole instead, haha could you imagine riding one of those things down 10 stories :nite:

if i am not mistaken it was an old missile silo, like at the nike base. it was definitely a cool idea though.

I’ve heard of a couple silos that were converted like this. It was expensive but defenetly unique.

The big thing is most were imploded due to the disarmerment treaty, only a few were emptied and abondoned.

yes micah that’s it! whats the name of it/is there a website on it?

i saw the same thing … i just googled missle silo house and thats the only pic that came up that was close…


randomly found on google images, theres a URL in the properties, but it doesnt help


yea thats what i got too :frowning:

randomly found on google images, theres a URL in the properties, but it doesnt help

damn google n00bs … second link that showed up

thats fucking awesome. i want it now lol.


damn google n00bs … second link that showed up


From that link…

Yeah, winning the cold war and making sure Russia knew that attacking the US would result in an annihalating counter strike was “wasted spending”.

Cool house though. There was something on Discovery, I think “Weird Homes” that featured one of these.

yea that’s where I found out about it. holla!

you could throw some serious parties in that silo and no one would know the better lol

Ah its like a Blast From The Past! Starring Brendon Frasier!!! Ahhhhhh what a good movie. AHhaha

only 2.3 million

man i’d pay some cash just to tour the place. wonder if anyone does that :tup:

Thats what Jim (cylinder head guy) has talked about buying. An old underground silo. Its cool and all but I need sunlight.

It has a regular house built on top of it. You just have a REALLY big basement.

Now thats where you hide the weed hydroponics setup.