Urban Exploring vol. 2 - Buffalo!

noon, we got into this bitch and went to the top…along with the warehouse next to it. Only had the cell phone, but here they are!

the stairs leading to the top…we had to enter through the basement, walk down pipes with aprox. a foot of NASTY looking water underneath them for about 30feet, then we had to go back, get a random wheelbarrel, piece of plywood, and giant pan…so that we could walk w/o getting wet to the staircase that went straight from the basement to the top. there was about 7 sets of insanely steep stairs…it has to be about 15 stories? I’m sure someone here knows more about this place than I do… the stairs were…hair raising to say the least. My legs today still hurt when i hop down from my truck (from walking up the stairs with all my muscles so tense.) I backed out once, but once my buddy got up there-I wasn’t leaving w/ogetting up there too.

view from the top!!!

this is part of the buildings behind the silos…those are about 5 stories…if I recall corerctly. We walked up those before we went to the silo, but they didnt really lead anywheres.

Inside the very top

Building 2

Anywho, had a blast! I know some of you know where this building is… I think its off 5?

Yeah off 5 by the Marina. With the big ERIC throwie on the top.

someone staffed a huge “bird” throw on the front also

Have to look for that next time I’m out that way.