Missile silo site for sale in Niagara County


98 Acres for 100k. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sounds like a good place to retreat to, stock up on weapons, and write my manifesto if Hillary becomes president.

That does sound good. A developer should grab it. Build houses on 1 acre lots, leave the silo’s in the middle of designated undeveloped park areas. Could make for a cool community.

Or name it Jaytoria and secede when Hillary takes over.

I’ll buy if they include a few warheads with a swiss and “Just Blew It” painted on the sides.

I’m pretty sure this is it:

Click on birds eye, and I think those are the silo doors.



98 Acres for 100k. Sounds like a good deal to me. Sounds like a good place to retreat to, stock up on weapons, and write my manifesto if Hillary becomes president.


Try $6.1M

The nike base in hamburg isn’t as cool as you’d hope. I worked for the highway dept which has access to it, with the doors welded shut and no power the place gets completely flooded. That means anything that is/was in there is now rusted to shit and the place smells funny. The fire dept used to pump it out and the cops would have shooting turnys down their, but i don’t think they have done that in years. It’d be a cool buy though!

Yeah, that’s it. Looks pretty cool. Would be a fun place to set up a rally-x course or something of that nature. Half of it is listed as wetland also, so that might hamper development.

Either that, or make it the new batcave. Who’s got a torch?

The Youngstown Test Annex was originally part of the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works

having researched the LOOW quite a bit, BULLSHIT it doesn’t contain contamination. holy brownfield batman.

I’m in for the batcave idea.

Good place for some bunnyhugger to build an underground eco-home.

New 1/4 mile track???

Yeah right!

lol amenities include but not limited to: “SIX UNDERGROUND MISSILE SILOS”

whos buying this site that would be interested in this? the fucking libyan army/>


That does sound good. A developer should grab it. Build houses on 1 acre lots, leave the silo’s in the middle of designated undeveloped park areas. Could make for a cool community.


I actually considered doing that but it’s zoned industrial plus the 45acres wetlands would be a pain in the ass.

Brownfield & half-wetlands… not a steal for $100k. Not a steal for $10k.


Brownfield & half-wetlands… not a steal for $100k. Not a steal for $10k.


Depends if it’s contaminated or not. Even with the wetlands you still have 50+ acres of good land if it’s not contaminated. And considering that most of Amherst and Clarence were once wetlands it’s obvious you can get around that. Spend the money in the right way and a new survey could probably get that 40 acres of wetland reclassified to 10 acres of wetland.

If they are federal wetlands they can be reclassified for the right price.
If they are DEC wetlands they are very hard to change.

I’m in on the “Ruby Ridge” thing if Hillary gets elected.:biglaugh: