How are we (Shift518) doing?

+1. We don’t need those ass clown’s or clown shoes, or turd nuggets on this forum.

+2, too many idiots…

Well, that’s the thing though…

If Shift518 wants to become more technical in its mission, then members who post credible and useful information should be rewarded somehow. I’m not saying financially, but there has to be some motivation for people.

Why would a member post anything of consequence if the thread is either not going to be appreciated, or worse, $hit on when someone sparks up some kind of unrelated BS within the thread.

There are appropriate places to screw around within the forum- Offbeat, Battlefield, etc… But not everyone sticks to these. No one is asking for ultra-strict policing of the board, but then again, if some rules can’t even be enforced, then the whole thing kind of becomes a joke and members are not encouraged in any way to contribute useful content.

If no one makes serious posts, then people will start to doubt that “serious” stuff like technical content, etc will even be read, let alone appreciated. It’s a cycle.

Not gonna happen unless you ban the retarded end of the spectrum.

id like my old name back thats the only prob i got

yes, a mobile skin is gonna be made in the early summer/late spring (realistically speaking)

damn :ninja


The idiots are some times amusing on here though. I think build threads should be kept on topic rather then people straying from the topic at hand.

More buttsex…

Worddddddd and cp


And racial slurs…

While having buttsex

I can’t believe we can’t say CensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensored or was it nigger? or maybe CensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensored? or was it nig?

Yea slurs are fun

Sean slurs all the time, especially when hes drunk lol

Ha ha only some times…but you are the one who actually falls over and slurs

I fall, but usually the speech is good lol

ya sean slurs for sure :smiley:


A mobile skin makes the baby Jesus happy, because since the switch to vB it’s actually worse viewing the forums on my blackberry.

pfft. shift on your phone?

Ipod touch internet is where its at

my opera mobile works awesome on VB but maybe blackberries just suck :smiley: