How big is the indoor track at Alumni?

IIRC it’s 1/5 mile but it’s been a while… ?

edit: 200 m

edit2: 1/6th

edit3: 2000m

6 laps = 1 mile if I remember correct.

shit i always thought it was 1/4… no wonder i never lost my gut :frowning:

:word: Well, not quite but I’m well on my way if I don’t start running.

Plus I watched the biggest loser last night and I’m still in the following 24 hours of motivation. :headbang:

200 meters? English motherfucker, do you speak it?!

so we have 1 vote for 1/4 mile, 1 vote for 1/5 mile, 1 vote for 1/6 mile and one really gay vote for 200 meters.

Anyone else?

EDIT: If it’s 200 meters I’ll cry, as that would mean that 1 puny little mile is over 8 laps. :cry:

its ummmmmmm shit 200 meters i think

I used to run it daily

hahahaha this thread is turning out great.

what a bunch of idiots we are.

1 vote for 1/4 mile
1 vote for 1/5 mile
2 votes for 1/6 mile
2 votes for 200 meters

Fuck. Is anyone sure? Jay you’re a runner right? Are you sure?

Yes, positive.

FYI - YMCA on Delaware has an indoor track…26 laps around is 1 mile. I didn’t join.

Search noob!

1/6 mile.

This guy has ever video game console ever created. Anyone like that is bound to be a fat slob… don’t let him fool you into thinking he knows ANYTHING about exercise.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

I’m heading straight there after work. My six pack is on its way to a quarter barrel. I intend to have my siq pack back before I turn 26.

WTF? While it is true that I have all video game systems currently available, I still run 3-4 miles a day and lift 6 days a week. I am quite svelt.

I was only kidding Jay, don’t get your panties in a bunch.


On the video game note, you really need to stop buying games for the ps3, and instead play cod4, etc, on the 360 with the rest of your nyspeed brethren

you are talking about the upper “ring” ? that’s def. not 200 meters

We’ve established it is 1/6 of a mile. I believe there is documentation to that fact in Alumni arena.

As for COD4, I haven’t purchased anything for the last several months. I bought a house and therefore am now poor.