How can I get banned from Classifieds?

lol, im serious, I wanna buy a monkey but don’t know where to get one.
I found a few sites online, but they were all scams
Looking for a small one such as a capuchin
Looking to stay local as theres too many scams out there where you pay a $500 deposit and then 4-8 weeks later they ship it to you.

Ive heard they get mean and they jerk off alot.

You need an exotic pet store of some sort.

chimps are mean and dangerous, capuchins are the small ones that run peoples pockets and hang out on your shoulders lol, there not mean… I know I need to go to an exotic breeder/pet store, I was wondering if anyone on here KNEW of any, preferribly local… BTW that link you sent me pjb is a scam, capuchins are like $2k+

Dave, save your money and be normal and buy a dog or goldfish… Monkeys are notorious for throwing shit at you…

And jerking off, u might get jealous if your monkeys dick was bigger than yours…

dont get mad cuz itll be cooler then charlie!!! lol 1:35 lol

It would be a very bad idea for you to get a monkey


because it would be too obvious who the stupid one is

I feel like every week I can expect the most off the wall thread post by you…

I want to by a crocodile. Not an alligator, theyre big pussies, I want a crocodile.

That’s messed up, Charlie has had only good things to say about you… Get a French bulldog from the breeder I got mine from…

Are you guys mad becuase you cant afford a monkey? Or becuase your all followers that are scared to wear non named brand jeans becuase everyone else is wearing Abercrombie? I didnt ask a fucking opinion or approval, I asked for a god damned place to buy one.

LOLOLOLOL, im just kidding man, charlies the best!!

I’m poor :frowning:

hahaha abercrombie jeans for life… 2k for a monkey is cheap I’m sure… I paid $3500 for Charlie… Who woulda thought

I wear $6 jeans from Kmart so Ive got no problem not wearing what everybody else is wearing.

I didnt realize that link was a scam. I just googled Monkey Albany, NY.

I still think Capuchin’s get mean. If I remember right thats why they got rid of Marcel on Friends because he was getting nasty.