how do manufacturers seal there bottles/jugs?

read my posts i made to you a few years back. i suggested this

bc ill be able to find that real easy… lol

Dave, don’t take offense to this I’m legitimately curious. Why combine creatine, which is supposed to help water retention, with caffeine, which is considered a diuretic?

It just reminds me of people putting whey powder in milk, which is casein, post workout.

Whats wrong with putting whey in milk? I just got home from the gym and did that.

Milk is mostly casein protein, digests slow. Whey digests fast. The only reason you drink whey protein post workout, is to quickly digest the protein to repair your muscle tissue. Milk with whey, counterproductive.

I should add, putting whey in milk, nothing wrong with that. But you might aswell not waste your money and just drink straight milk or eat eggs. If you’re going to buy whey powder, drink it with water.

I drink alot of milk normally anyway. Ive never actually put the protein in water but I guess it wouldnt hurt to try.

It just seems like it would taste better in milk.

Yeah it definitely tastes better. Keep doing what you’re doing Paul. In all honesty I doubt you would notice a difference in results, its just what I’ve learned. When I actually workout I’m OCD about nutrition.

Good stuff ITT. I like the Entrepreneurial-ness

most new preworkouts have caffine AND creatine in them already iirc.

I just like taking Jack3d… Workout or not lol

most creatine actually induces water retention, ethyl ester is one that doesnt, or is said to do so the least. IMO its the absolute best creatine you can possibly get as the body absorbs 98% of it… Quite honestly the only reason id be throwing creatine monohydrate in there is as a filler, if i did as its cheaper… Monohydrate sucks, the body only absorbs like 1% of it. Either way ill be going with micronized forms of each so that I can use less product but still get more servings then other people with 2-3 times the product. The boost of energy that one (i know myself) gets from 100mg of caffeine (equivelent to two cups of coffee) is awesome preworkout without making my head feel like its about to pop off from blood rushing to my head like i feel when taking shit like NO Xplode, even though its a totally diff product… I dont know many or any soley creatine based products that use caffeine… lots use tons of sugar which gets the job done, but the body breaks it down and stores it as fat.

I was also thinking about grabbing some liquid creatine and buying little trays with like 50 vials that fit in each tray with little creatine shots, but the cost would be up there and alot of people say liquid creatine sucks.

you should make your own steriods too

U should not be a retard :slight_smile:

lololol. dont lie… if you havent already, you’ve atleast thought about it. nothing wrong with that.

Isn’t there some saying about having ones hands in to many honeypots or pies or some shit like that?

Anyways, dave your crazy dude; Envy your ability to hustle and do what you do to get and do the things you want… juggle tons of shit at once etc

However this is scary, I would think the liability issues would be huge. Some fuck on ebay, knows your a little guy and crys wolf. Whether anything ill-affected him or not all he has to do is talk to the right person and i feel like youd be fucked in legal fees and wasted time.

REALLY do your research dude… it sounds like you’ve spent a few weekends reading some shit… This is something I would think even a big company spends months on just scrutinizing every little detail/law/regulation just to make sure they don’t step on someones toes

Never in my life have i thought about making steroids.

Read somewhere warren buffet has 100 diff ways he makes money and donald trump 1000… While idk how you can make money 1000 diff ways, you should never keep your eggs in one basket… im actually kind of dissapointed more people on here arent entrepreneurs/business minded, I’d love to start something up with people on here.