How do you deal with stress?


As i was trying to say in my first post strees is simply a choice that one chooses. If you are stressed its because you want to be nobody can force you to be stressed.


:word: I’ve found that it takes facing an extremely difficult situation to figure this one out though.

Myself, I was traveling alone for work. I was lead from the international airport in Angola (3rd world Africa, not south of Buffalo) to the national airport, brought to a bench and told in broken english “wait here.” And was left. Hours passed… In Africa… Alone… Behind a language barrier…

I got so stressed that I came to the point where I had to choose between having a panic attack alone in Africa or accepting my situation and dealing with it. “Self, what good is this stressing doing you? Nothing. Here’s your situation. Deal with it.” I chose the realization that stressing wasn’t doing me any good and I could choose to stop.

It gets back to the book I posted. Frankl proposes that “There exists a gap between stimulus and response. Within this gap lies the uniquely human feature of ‘choice.’” You choose your response in any given situation.