How do you deal with stress?

see you need to bang :gotme:

i bang broads

no i don’t need to i just take my time doing it. I enjoy it i don’t like to be like most and finish the race early

slow and steady wins teh race

workout, drink, punch shit.

You must be young.

:word: I’ve found that it takes facing an extremely difficult situation to figure this one out though.

Myself, I was traveling alone for work. I was lead from the international airport in Angola (3rd world Africa, not south of Buffalo) to the national airport, brought to a bench and told in broken english “wait here.” And was left. Hours passed… In Africa… Alone… Behind a language barrier…

I got so stressed that I came to the point where I had to choose between having a panic attack alone in Africa or accepting my situation and dealing with it. “Self, what good is this stressing doing you? Nothing. Here’s your situation. Deal with it.” I chose the realization that stressing wasn’t doing me any good and I could choose to stop.

It gets back to the book I posted. Frankl proposes that “There exists a gap between stimulus and response. Within this gap lies the uniquely human feature of ‘choice.’” You choose your response in any given situation.


I usually go fishing

Sleep it off

smoke crack, worship satan

don’t let yourself stress out. too much fear, and its not worth while.

if something is getting under you skin, remember that no matter how bad your shit is, your life could be a fuck of a lot worse. Be thankful for what you’ve got (challenges and all), helps keep life in perspective.

At least your not trying to raise two kids working part time jobs & on welfare (in the sense of people who actually need welfare).
At least your house didn’t burn to the ground forcing you to find an alternate place to stay for 6 months.
At least you didn’t get pregnant by accident and have a severely crippled / handicapped child.
At least you weren’t t-boned by someone reading the newspaper while driving their SUV, leaving you with sever disabilities for life.
Etc, etc.

Does your current problem seem as bad as these terminal ones? If not, then at least you can manage your current problem, as is always the case.


or, just get drunk, bang a few random people, then enroll in a kickboxing class.

This is funny cause for a while at work i would tell people Satan loves them lol and they would get all wound up. Sorry if there are any NYS members who are in the military and like it but these people are retarted. Dealing with the constant stress of hating the Army so much is what has made me so good at stress management. Like Bikerfry said you need an event that will help make you realize this. I was miserable for months before i was finally like WTF is this doing for me. So now i use this junk as motivation to save money finish college and make sure i lead a much better life then all of the assholes i work with. Petty yes but i dont care lol.

beat the shit out of my puching bag (heavy bag) in the basement

edit: but im weak so i run out of breath after like 2 minutes then i go for a drive

im still waiting for turbociv’s response. he usually seems to be under a great deal of stress



Punch holes in walls.Kick my parts car.throw stuff around.workout.
Listen to music that helps me get anger out.

On a less, ah, abstract level:

Exercise. Hard. If you’ve got nothing else, just start jogging and keep going until you’re so tired that all you can think about is one leg in front of the other. When you’re exhausted to the point of taking all your mental energy to get that last rep up, or one more step, you have no room for stressful things. When you’re done you’ll feel like you have a new perspective.

Wow I really feel like going for a run now. Maybe I’ll squeeze one in before class tonight. I haven’t exercised in sooo long it would probably do me a world of good.

What if you can run 20ish miles before this happens:pimp: